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The 'special occasion' was being held at the outskirts of the city under Hephaestus which was a few long hours of travel. During the whole ride Hyunjin was silent except when he was giving Kang Sung directions. Felix on the other hand was looking out of the window the sun was bright, he could feel it.

Little did Felix know the God was secretly watching him from the backseat, observing every single action of his. It took all of Hyunjin's willpower to not stare at Felix's lips every single time he talked to the boy after the incident. In a way he was glad knowing Felix was going to avoid him because he was embarrassed. Hyunjin didn't feel anything special towards Felix before—not that he does now anyways—He only needed someone to relieve his stress but he couldn't call minho because they got into an argument and just any prostitute wasn't going to work so he chose the next best option that came into his mind at that moment. Lee Felix, his personal assistant.

It was obvious that Felix was into men. He looked like it and most of the time he acted like the part as well so naturally Hyunjin assumed Felix would accept his request, which he did. But to Hyunjin's surprise rather than just rough sex to blow off the anger his senses as a God of love started acting up the moment he learned that it was Felix's first time. He automatically became more gentle and caring which he wasn't planning on. He didn't want any emotions getting involved because he knew it wasn't going to end well but at the heat of the moment he couldn't help it.

He was getting interested in Felix which was very unlikely of him. He's had sex with countless men and women who were very experienced and good at what they did yet none of the encounters were worthy enough to remember or think twice about. Yet here he was thinking about Felix who was probably the most amature one he's done things with.

There was something about that boy. Something intriguing. He was an average human but it felt like he was more.

His aura radiated something different and irresistible.

Hyunjin had no idea on what drove him to have his personal assistant occupy his mind 24/7 but he knew this wasn't just a one time thing. If Hyunjin wanted Felix to "help him relieve stress" again he knew the boy couldn't really refuse him even if he had a choice. Both because he was a God and he was know as the most desirable immortal in the nation.

a mere servant taking up all of my brain capacity

have I really hit rock bottom because I've been deprived of sex or is it just the fact that only now I see how beautiful Felix is

Hyunjin smirked knowing he already knew how that beautiful body felt under his touch and how it tasted.

"Park the car next to that church. We're here." Hyunjin put a stop to his thoughts before it put him in 'difficult' position.

Felix got out of the car and opened the door for Hyunjin. His freckles were more visible than usual because of the sun. His eyes staring at something in the far distance as usual. The same aimless look on his face.

Hyunjin realized he has never seen Felix laugh out loud and for some reason it made him feel uneasy.

"I have a question." Felix turned his eyes towards where the church was at.

"What did I say Felix you are not to speak unless you are spoken to."

"But the special guest or whoever it is isn't even here yet. I was just curious..." His voice trailed off as a small frown formed.

Hyunjin sighed. "Fine. Ask."

"Why do people still build churches to worship over a different God when all of the Greek gods are still alive and in power over the mortal realm?"

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