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I laid down on my bed staring at the sky above me through the glass window in my small attic room. I tried counting stars, one by one even if I lost count and started over again numerous times.

It was my last chance to do that.

I silently tried to recall the faces of everyone I knew.

Will I forget how they look like after time goes by?

Will I be able to handle the pain or even living after this?

What if I run away? I can run away right now and somehow survive alone, anything to save myself from this.

Then again they'll find me somehow.

There's no escape.

Sleep was invalid. It was my last day, I had to keep my eyes open. Look at everything I can for one last time and try to remember.

I remember the look on my father's face at dinner. He was a strong man who didn't show emotions but he was crying along with my mother and siblings.

I kept assuring them that it was fine. That I wasn't afraid.

But I was.

I should've told them how scared I was. I regret trying to act like I wasn't affected by anything when my best friend asked me if I was okay.

I was clearly not alright but it's my fate. It was not my fault but it was still unavoidable.

What did I ever do to deserve this?

I drowned myself in my thoughts ignoring the rising sun indicating the dawn of a new day.

"Come in." I called out as I heard a light knock on my door. Jisung slowly walked into my room with a sad smile on his face and sat down next to me on the bed.

"I just wanted to check up on you... they told me to get you ready." I gave him a reassuring smile even If my heart was beating faster and faster. I swallowed hard trying to hide my fear.

"I'll get ready in a minute."

"You didn't sleep?" He asked as he stood up and walked towards my window to open it.

"I just wanted to memorize how things looked for the last time." It was clear that Jisung was holding in his tears as they came flowing down with my reply. He didn't dare look at me. I walked up to him and gave him a hug letting him cry into my chest.

"Not you crying when I need my best friend's support the most. Stop crying and smile for me so I can remember it." I caressed his back a few times before facing him with a bright smile.

"You keep acting like it's not a big deal but I know you're scared."

"It'll be over soon. Uncle Lee told me that it wasn't as painful as he thought it'd be so I'll be fine."

"Felix you fucking idiot. Can you drop the bravery act and worry about yourself for once?" He sat back down on the chair as I changed into my neatly pressed clothes.

The shirt was a sickening shade of pure white. Almost a waste as it's going to get stained with red very soon. I knew the new shoes were a little too tight for me but I was in no place to complain.

It didn't matter anyways.

Nothing did.

"I'm going to miss you Jisung." I didn't let my smile falter.

"Shut up. You're acting like you're going to die or something. Don't make this worse." He lightly slapped my arm.

Both of us turned to look at the door as we heard another light knock. It was my mother with reddened eyes. She looked like she cried all night.

"It's time to go." I squeezed Jisung's hand once more before heading out to the front garden.

Two guards of the aphrodite residence was waiting for me. They cuffed me and dragged me along the crowded road.

Some people were used to seeing the divine punishment being carried out, some were amused, some were pitying my and the rest called me degrading names throwing random insults for fun.

I didn't raise my head the whole time. I just kept looking at the ground holding back my tears.

don't you dare cry Lee Felix

you have to be strong. Both for yourself and for the sake of your family. Your fate was sealed.

you prepared yourself for this for twenty years

"Kneel." The guards forced me to the ground and only then I realized that we already made it to the open ground. I slowly raised my head to look at her. The woman standing in front of me with a smug smile on her face.


The crowd surrounded the area making a vast circle around her and me as she parted from her people, walking down in a dramatically slow pace till she stood a few feet from me.

The sky was darkening with thunder erupting with each step she took towards me hinting the beginning of the punishment.

"You have such beautiful eyes. It's a pity. Those beautiful eyes would soon go to waste as you pay for the sins of your past."

The rain drops were cold on my skin almost as if they were trying to pierce holes into my body. I kept my glare on the goddess not looking away.

"You better close your eyes and imagine the face of someone you love. You don't want me to be the last person to see before you loose your sight now do you?"

Her voice was sweet yet tainted with cruelty and a gruesome enthusiasm.

"I'd appreciate if you scream. Try to stay alive." Before I could reply I felt my eyes burning.

The pain was immeasurable. It was as if someone was pressing two blazing iron rods right into my eye sockets threatening to burn right down to my core.

My vision was slowly getting blurry as the pain spread in further and further.

I felt blood dripping from eyes gliding down my cheeks.

I hope the people will remember how that blood got mixed up with rain water painting the whole square red.

I hope they remember the way I screamed in agony as the pain covered every inch of my body making me fall onto the ground.

Another day, another one of the unfortunate Lee family faces the wrath of gods.


That was the last words I heard before loosing consciousness. It was a surprise to know that I held on that long.

She was right of course.

How pathetic indeed.

And I am back with something new djfhsjd hope y'all enjoy this one. Trust me it's going to be an interesting story. (This is lowkey the prologue thingie)

Love yall for all the support you guys shoved my other ffs. Ignore minor mistakes I don't proof read ehe.

See you in another chapter

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