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Felix woke up with a start trying to realize where he was at. Assuming it was his room at the residence he reached up to the bedside table next to him and picked up the digital alarm clock.

"The time is 9.42PM" The automated voice announced as Felix put it back on the table. The nauseating feeling he felt while working never really left him. He made his way to the bathroom in a hurry trying to avoid the furniture the best he could. Thankfully he made it there in time before throwing up whatever he had left in his system which wasn't much because he couldn't really bring himself to eat anything after the things he witnessed throughout the day.

He didn't know seeing people fall in love in and out of love in the most unfair ways would have such an impact on him. It was more sickening to see how Hyunjin was immune to all that, sometimes even laughing at how he messed up people's relationships up watching how they blamed themselves for it.

Maybe it's because he had centuries of experience.

Maybe it's because it was nothing new to him.

It was something the God witnessed almost every single day.

But still how could he be so calm and collected through all that emotional rage, melancholy, pain and overwhelming happiness.

Felix slowly lifted himself up from the bathroom floor trying not to remind himself of the things that happened. It's only been a day since he started working and things were already going downhill.

"Felix you awake?" Felix perked up as he heard Changbin's voice from the other side of the room.

"Yes hyung I just woke up." Felix answered as he made his way to the door. Changbin put something on Felix's palm and placed a cup of water on the other hand.

"Take some Tylenol. I know you're not feeling well." He felt the concern in the older male's voice.

"Oh... it's nothing to worry about though—" Felix dry swallowed the pill without drinking water to which Changbin replied with a disapproving sigh. "—okay but how did you know?" Felix questioned. He clearly didn't tell anyone about his light headedness, the last thing he remembered was excusing himself from lunch saying he's tired.

"You kinda looked like you walked through hell and back when you came home from work, skipped lunch and went straight to sleep plus if this was another normal day Hyunjin would've killed you for not waiting until he dismissed you from work."

"Ah- makes sense." Felix chuckled.

"It's happened before so I was kinda prepared beforehand. Mortals are weak hearted so it's not easy for us to go through that all at once. By the way if you're feeling better than before you should go see Eros. He was kinda mad about you leaving without notifying him first.

Felix remembered how he ran out of the car and walked to his room as fast he could because there was no way he was embarrassing himself in front of the God.

"I'll change and immediately go meet him. I don't want him to turn me into a centipede or something." Felix said earning a laugh from Changbin.

Felix knocked on Hyunjin's bedroom door praying that he wasn't mad anymore for ditching work on the first day.

"Come in." Felix was confused as a different yet slightly familiar voice answered instead of Hyunjin.

I know this voice, I definitely heard it somewhere but who...

Felix walked in trying to place a name on the voice.

He bowed politely in the direction of the sound. The room was filled with a suffocating smell of cigarettes.

"Oh it's the so called personal assistant." The hint of sarcasm while saying the the words 'personal assistant' instantly made Felix realize who it was. It was Minho, the God of death.

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