Chapter 10 [Special Chapter]

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||3rd POV||


And immediately, Ariella and her opponent dashed straight for each other.

Once at an appropriate distance from Ariella, the opponent swung his staff straight for her head.

Ariella, seeing his attack, immediately bent down to dodge his swing, just narrowly dodging it.

When the attack finally passed over her head, she bolted straight back for her opponent and sent a kick towards his torso.

The opponent seeing how close Ariella was to hitting him, quickly brought back his swung staff and placed it just where Ariella's attack was gonna land.

As if predicting what he was gonna do, Ariella quickly changed the direction of her feet just when it was second away from hitting the staff and immediately directed it to her opponents chin.



And just like that, the opponent was struck right under the chin, causing him to be lifted up from his feet and sent spiraling back.


The opponent thought as he was assaulted with the immense pain of being stuck in the chin and the pain of his neck suddenly being snapped back.


The crowd roared at the magnificent display of experience and battle knowledge.

Actually, Ariella wasn't always so knowledgeable and good with fighting so how is it that she's suddenly so knowledgeable at fighting?

Simple, Lor is the cause of this.

During the time when Lor and Ariella were talking and conversing about different topics and subjects, One of them had been about fighting and Lor gave her one or two tips when fighting.

Ariella had brought up the subject of Lor being so good at fighting and just how he was capable of beating his opponents despite being so much younger than them.

She asked him how he was capable of doing that and Lor decided to share a bit of his experience when it comes to fighting.

He taught her how to trick your opponent into thinking they had figured out where you were gonna hit and just when they least expect it, you hit them in a completely different spot.

This was something Lor had learned in one of his training sessions in the training simulator.

Lor, just in case he met someone as skilled as him one day or even more skilled, decided that he'll create strategies or counter measures in order to come out on top.

And although, he knew it was useless creating such counter measures or strategies due to the fact that his [Superior Reactive Adaptation and Evolution] Ability would be more than enough to destroy any opponent out there and the fact that with his [Extreme Talent] ability, he'll rarely meet any opponent as skilled or even more skilled than him, chose to still create them just for safety measures.

It's DC, and although it's just the Young Justice universe plus the fact that Lor has absolute faith in his abilities, only God knows what's out there.

Although the chances of Lor meeting a being that could give him trouble despite having such Overpowered abilities are minuscule, he still chose to create these 'tricks' or 'counter measures' that'll help him should he need them in better surviving against these beings.

Though he doubts these little counter measures and tricks will help him if even his overpowered abilities can't do anything.

Lor only revealed a bit of his experiences to her after talking with her for so long and getting to know just how her mind generally works.

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