Chapter 1

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Dave Is currently standing in front of a glowing white silhouette. It's form is just like that of a human but glowing.

Earlier today, he woke up at 5AM, took a bath, got all the files and documents he needs for work, made breakfast, ate it and then got out of the house and was on his way to work by 7AM.

Nothing new, Just like every other day.

Except what is currently happening now.

Apparently, Dave died in a Car Accident on his way to work today. There was a truck heading towards him, coming from a side he wasn't paying attention to, at a fast pace. And because he wasn't paying attention to it but what was in front of him, he got hit directly from the side.

He's currently standing in front of the glowing figure and coming to terms with his death. It was sudden, abrupt and completely unexpected. Any body would need some time to come to terms with such a thing, especially if they weren't prepared to die.

Luckily, Dave isn't a person to hold on to something meaningless for too long and could see there's no use crying over spilled milk.

What's done is done. if there's nothing that can be done about it, so be it. He'll just have to move on.

"Have you finally come to terms with your death, my child"

The glowing silhouette said, it looks like he's realized that Dave has moved on and is finally ready to have a conversation with him.

"Yes, although sudden, I'll just have to learn to adapt to it and move on. I'm sure that's what my parents would want for me."

Dave said while reminiscing on the words his late parents had told him.

"Then let's start on the reason your here. First, Your death was unexpected and wasn't supposed to happen so early."

The Glowing silhouette said while waiting for Dave to digest this new information.

Dave was obviously surprised and was curious on what the silhouette meant but he pushed down his curiosity and listened to what else the silhouette had to say.

The silhouette was mildly surprised that Dave hadn't started bombarding him on questions as to why he was here and what he meant.

A small smirk appeared on his face at the thought that this human could be interesting.

'Interesting, let's see what else You can surprise me with.'

He immediately continued what he was saying in order to not waste too much time here. He still had other things to do.

"Second, Your here to be reincarnated, as repayment for your untimely death. Of course, along with some benefits if you'd so like"

Dave was once again shocked on the fact that he'll be repaid for something he didn't want. After all, its God we're talking about here. He could leave Dave to reincarnate and it wouldn't be a scratch on his back.

Since he wants to repay what happened to him, Dave will gladly take it.

"I'm happy that you're even considering repaying me for what just happened. I'll gladly accept it."

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