Chapter 7 [Special Chapter!!]

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||Time skip - Four Years later||

||Krypton, Argo City|| ||1975||

||3rd POV||

Lor woke up refreshed like every other day. He stood up from his bed and walked towards the bathroom for his bath.

He took off his skin suit in a blur and put it where he would find it once again.

But Lor wasn't this fast Four years ago so what happened?

Simple, his abilities awakened.

Yes, you read right. Lor has awakened his abilities as predicted by the system and now, he's far faster, stronger, invulnerable and has better senses compared to what he had four years ago.

He also gained the other abilities such as Heat Vision, Super Vision, Flight, Black light Vision, and Super breath.

Although, he'll have to absorb more radiation from the sun in other for them to be stronger than they currently are.

But that's not important right now, The match Lor has after this, is.

Yes, a match or to be more specific, a tournament.

General Zod gathered all Youngsters under the age of Fifteen who have the potential to be very strong and skilled in the future.

Apparently, there were some people who wanted to take the General Position from the House of Zod and weren't satisfied with the house of Zod having it.

And so, they voiced their opinion to the Council and the Council also approved it as long as they have somebody who is capable of replacing Zod and just as skilled as he is.

General Zod was called and told by the Council their decision and just why this was happening.

The group of people didn't target General Zod since they know just how skilled he is and they didn't have anyone who could take him on and so, they targeted his kid.

Although, the Council said that they had to have someone just as capable as Zod, the group of people thought that after defeating the kid and proving that the next General wasn't competent, they would be able to rope in Zod with benefits to work for them.

The General position wouldn't belong to the House of Zod anymore since they would have him under their control. It would belong to them instead.

Pretty stupid plan actually with a lot of flaws but very convenient for Lor and Zod.

That's why there's a tournament now.

Originally, It wasn't supposed to be every Kid under Fifteen years old who had potential but just some people against Lor to show that he really isn't capable enough to be the Future General.

They didn't believe Lor was as talented as they heard so they set him up against other people who they believed to be more skilled than him.

But Zod made it into something bigger.

He made it where every talented Kid below Fifteen Years old could play, turning it into a world wide tournament.

Something Krypton had never seen before.

Everybody is hyped up and excited for the tournament. High ranking Families are also very excited to watch the tournament. They hoped to see the members of their family winning the tournament and bringing Prestige to their name.

Unfortunately, They'll Have to be disappointed.

Lor got in the bathroom and activated his bathing skill. He always does that to maintain his 'beautiful skin' as his mother always called it.

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