"Just make sure you won't destroy properties while we're on the job! Or else I wouldn't be able to pay your money!"

Natsu laughed, not minding it at all. "Aye, sir!"

The trio spent most of the entire night eating. No, it's just only Natsu and Happy. After they left the restaurant, they decided to take a small walk on the shore until they found the nearest bar. Lucy, excited to check it out, dragged the two with her and was extremely hoping for a fateful encounter.

But instead of meeting a new 'friend' and having fun, she just found herself in the corner and watching Natsu and Happy eating the served food for them and drinking the sake as if it was just a plain water.

Stupid Dragon Slayer...

Stupid Natsu...

She couldn't also just leave them as they were meant to create chaos when she wasn't around.

She didn't have any more money to pay for another destruction.

And so, Lucy had no choice but to drag them back to their hotel room when the clock hit eleven o'clock.

"I'm so tired!" She whined as soon as they entered their room. Since she had already taken a bath before they went to the restaurant, she just went directly on the bed and plopped herself on the mattress, face first.

"Before you lay here next to me, take a proper bath, Natsu," she ordered sternly when he was about to hop on the bed.

"No way!"

"Take a bath! You haven't taken a proper bath and you've been playing on the beach since morning!"

"But Luce-"

"Then sleep on the floor!"

He groaned, scratching his head before he marched towards the bathroom. Happy soon followed him with his teasing giggles. Humming in satisfaction, Lucy planted her face back on the sheets as the sound of the shower filled her ears. It wasn't long when she decided to change into her pair of pajamas while the two were out of her sight.

When she finished, she let her blonde hair loose with its ends reaching past her lower back. She turned the lights off and let the lamp on the bedside table cast a little light she needed. Standing on the side of the bed, she examined it as she put her hands on her hips. It was king-sized, but she knew she still had to put pillows in the middle because Natsu was a messy sleeper.

Usually, they would rent a room separately or a room with two beds if it's available. But since this wasn't a job meant for their team, and Natsu was the one who rented this, she had no choice but to share a bed with him. They had shared a bed countless times before, but it was just because he was slipping under her blanket when she was already asleep.

"Damn, my back aches!" She mumbled after arranging the pillows.

"You want a massage?" Natsu's voice sounded behind her. When she looked over her shoulder, she saw him hanging his scarf on the headboard. He's only in his orange shorts, displaying his torso proudly. "I can give you a massage for free."

Lucy frowned at him, trying to hide the fact that she was checking him out just a second ago. "No, thanks. You'll just break my spine."

"Come on! You're too harsh!" He laughed, brushing his pink hair with his fingers. It was a sight. "I know I'm strong but I won't hurt you."

His pride was just so hard to reach.

"Ugh, whatever."

"Lay down," he ordered, walking closer to her. Lucy's eyes blinked multiple times, her eyebrows furrowed as she looked away. Her eyes found Happy on the other side of the bed and already knocked out.

When the Sun Sets🧡[ NaLu Fanfiction ]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora