The Only Exception - Dahyun (Edited)

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Dahyun's pov

Love is truly incredible, it gives you a feeling that no words can describe, why do I feel like this? Why am I like this? I have many friends but you are the only one who makes me feel butterflies when we talk, it's like you are an exception in my feelings.



--- flashback ---



While strolling in the pathways of Yeouido Park, Dahyun was enjoying the cool breeze and the peaceful surrounding until someone or something collided with her feet. When Dahyun looked down she saw a puppy, she picks up the puppy to see the nametag which has a "Mobi" name on it. Dahyun tried to find its owner but failed so she played with Mobi, after a few moments someone shouted the puppy's name, and Mobi's ears perks trying to find where the shout came from, Dahyun then sees a man walking towards her direction shouting the dog's name, so Dahyun quickly made a signal to the man to show her location and the puppy.

"Mobi! I thought I lost you"

The man then hugged the puppy and then looked at Dahyun, the man looked at the girl familiarly as if the girl was an idol (which is, in this story) she has a mask to cover up her identity. The man shrugged his thinking and decided to thank the girl in front of him.

"Thank you miss, sorry for the inconvenience Mobi has bought you," said the man

"Ohh, don't worry about it, Mobi is quite fun to be with" Dahyun answered

"If you don't mind, can I buy you a drink as a sign of gratitude for keeping Mobi safe and happy?" the man asked Dahyun

"I mean it's not necessary but sure" Dahyun responded

"No no, I insist, by the way, my name is
Y/N, how about you miss?" Y/N raises his hand for a handshake

Dahyun quickly thinks about revealing her identity to the man, but she decided to reveal herself as there are only a few people in their surroundings.

"I'm Dahyun and nice to meet you Y/N" Dahyun shakes his hand as Y/N was shocked

"You are Dahyun?! The Twice Dahyun?!" Y/N whispered shocked

Dahyun giggled and answered, "Yes, I am that Dahyun, I'm assuming you are a Once?"

"Yes I am, I love your songs! Your songs make me happy and giddy in some way" Y/N chuckled to himself with a hint of blush on his cheeks.

"Is that so? Hmmm, I want to thank you for supporting us!" Dahyun said in a cheery tone and although she has a mask, you can see the smile beaming in her eyes.

"So with that surprise hehe, do you still want a drink? Y/N asked with visible shyness

"Don't be shy" Dahyun giggled "I would like to" Dahyun answered.

They went to a Pet Café where Mobi can play freely while Y/N and Dahyun went into a secluded place for privacy. Here the two ordered the drinks and pastries and talked about life and asked questions about each other, they talked for a couple of hours without them knowing.

"Wow, the time goes by fast doesn't it?" Y/N looked at his watch and asked Dahyun.

"Tell me about it, but it was fun talking to you Y/N" Dahyun answered

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