Chapter 7: The Reichenbach Fall

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The police are on our tails and we're running through the back alley. "Holding hands," John groans. "The press are going to have a field day." We swerve to a left and Sherlock drops one of my pistols. "The gun!" I exclaim."Leave it!" Sherlock tells me. We run down the alleyway and reach high railings blocking our way. Sherlock suddenly stops and pulls John into the shadows with me following close behind. We catch our breaths and hear the sirens as the police give chase. I turn to John. "Is that what you're actually worried about, John? Because I have a paperclip in my pocket." A wash of relief washes over John's face but Sherlock tugs John forward moving him along.

"Over here," Sherlock said. He climbs onto a dustbin to get over the railing when John falls forward against the dustbins. "Ouch!" Sherlock jumps back down to let John get back up. "Okay," Sherlock says. "This clearly is not going to work. Lune, could you get this off?" "Yeah, yeah." I walk over to unlock the handcuffs when we hear more sirens. This time a lot closer and a couple of voices as well. I quickly put the paperclip away. "Go! Go! Go!" I rushed. Swiftly, I climb over the railing and land on a dustbin on the other side. "Hurry up!" I shout. John and Sherlock look at me pointedly and raise their handcuffed hands. "Well then get on with it," I complain. "And I keep offering but it seems as if the universe is against it so deal with it."

With a bit of trouble, Sherlock and John did manage to get over the railing like I said they would. "See no trouble," I said. "Now let's get going." We ran for a couple of minutes again before we reached a T junction and turned right but immediately brake and turn back for a moment as Sherlock and John do the same as they had heard the sirens as well. We lean against the wall to catch our breath. "Everybody wants to believe it," Sherlock mutters bitterly under his breath. "That's what makes it so clever. A lie that's preferable to the truth. All my brilliant deductions were just a sham. No one feels inadequate: Sherlock Holmes is just an ordinary man." John and I shared a look, Sherlock was being quite moody. Even after he told us he didn't care what the public thought. John decides to entertain the man. "What happens next?" "I don't know - it's an enigma." "On the run from the police ..." I trailed. "Oh, that. No. That's the easy part. I was thinking about the surveillance. What have I got that everyone suddenly wants? Dozens and dozens of criminal minds right her in Baker Street. All of them focused on me ..."

John thinks about our situation for a minute and turns to me. "What about Mycroft?" he asks. "He could help us. Right, Lune? You could just call him." "Why can't Sherlock call him?" I ask. "John," Sherlock says. "A big family reconciliation? Now's not really the moment." Being aware of our situation, I felt the back of my hair stick up. "Sherlock, John, we're being followed." John gritted his teeth. "I knew we couldn't outrun the police." I take a quick peek back at the alleyway. "Yeah that's not the police. It's one of our new neighbors from Baker Street." Sherlock and John stare down at me with an intense gaze. "What? Should I have said something sooner?" Without even a warning, Sherlock grabbed my hand and we started to run. "Then let's see if they can give us some answers." As I was pulled along, so was dear John. "Hey! Hey!" The two of us said in sync. Sherlock, John, and I run to the next corner and see no sign of the police but Sherlock and I do notice a double decker bus approaching.

"Oh my god!" I nearly shouted. I whipped my head towards Sherlock and looked at him like he was out of his mind. And he was but that for sure never stopped him. John picked up on my nervousness. "Where are we going?" John asks. I groan quite loudly. "We're going to jump in front of that bus," I replied. "What?!" "I know right!" But Sherlock was already on the move so that meant me and John were on the move too! The three of us threw ourselves into the street and stopped in the middle of the street facing the front of the bus. John braces for impact, Sherlock stands there bravely, and I was just wishing we had run somewhere else. But the man who had been following us, throws himself at us, and shoves us out of the way and all four of us tumble to the ground as the bus drives past, blaring its horn.

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