Author's Note

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Okay, I didn't actually expect anyone to read this but thank you to everyone who has. I had honestly given up hope on continuing this because I've been having writer's block and not many people were reading this so I stopped posting new chapters. (I realize it's been over a year and I'm sorry if that frustrated ya'll.) Or maybe 500 something readers is a lot and I wouldn't know since this is really my first time putting something like this onto this platform that's got a decent amount of views. This sudden burst of new readers has given me a some inspiration to continue writing this story I suppose. 

Anyway, I just wanted to thank you guys for reading this and maybe I'll put more fanfics or maybe a couple of my own stories. But who knows. (Let me know in the comments if you'd like that.) Writing SHERlocked takes a lot of time and I've also got other work. So I rather focus on that than start anything new. Just as a heads up, these chapter also may be dished out real slow because of school so ... yeah. Thanks to everyone who's read this silly little fanfic and to those who will keep reading this.

- Samantha

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