Chapter 1: The Child Mercenary

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Living in a girls' home in London is not easy. It sucks ass. The building is cheap and old as frick. It's a three-story building and the walls are thin, so you can hear practically everything. There is this lady who keeps us in line who we call Madam. She is a real bitch. "Lune! Come down here this instant!" That voice is like nails on a chalkboard. I get up from the bed and climb down the stairs. "Coming Madam!" I holler.

She was waiting there for me with a knife and a gun. This was a daily ritual. She would hand me a gun and a knife and I would go steal whatever shop I felt like. I took the weapons on the table. Madam smiled and patted my head. "Now there's a good girl." I swatted her hand away. "Back off you whore." Her eyes narrowed but fortunately, I didn't have a care in the world.

I found a nice toyshop to raid. I broke in silently and picked the lock on the cashier. Inside was a nice stack of cash. The frown on my face turned into a smirk. The guns on me could use some more bullets. All of a sudden I heard a scream in the back parking lot. Curious, I peeked from a window. I was shocked by the scene. There was a man but I couldn't see his face. His foot was on another woman's shoulder. Lots of blood was pooling around her body. The man then turned towards me and I got the frick out of there. I did not want to be the next one dead.

I arrived at the girls' home. Madam was sitting in a chair with her hand out. I placed the money on her hand and climbed the stairs to my room. She didn't mind that I kept the weapons she provided me. That bitch knew I didn't have it in me to kill her. My room is disgusting. The walls are chipped with paint, the room is dimly lit, and the floors creaked and have splintered. I took out my red book and a blue pen. I wrote everything I could down in that book. Some days I wish I could put a bullet through Madam's head. My troubles would be over, except for the fact that I would go to prison. I laid down and closed my eyes. Soon sleep took over.

In the morning, like five in the morning, I woke up curious. Did the police discover the scene? I was so bored and strangely enthusiastic. I quickly got dressed in my white collared shirt, pink past the knees skirt, and killer looking boots. I was just about to step out the door when Madam stopped me. "Lune Jennifer Aniston. What are you doing so early in the morning." I winced. This bitch just had to have a gut feeling. I spoke with my back facing her. "I need to stay limber Madam. I'm a bit out of touch when you give me your errands. Don't worry though. I won't be late." I shut the door behind me and ran all the way to the murder.

The police were at the crime scene all right. They even put up the yellow caution tape. I was up on the toy shop roof looking at the scene below. I caught snippets of talk but nothing about a girl like me. My eyesight is really good. I can see far away anywhere. I'm kind of like a sniper without a scope. There was this guy quite tall, curly black hair, green-blue eyes, with sharp cheekbones. Very attractive male. He was with another. The other one was shorter with graying hair and green eyes. Then out of the blue, the taller one looked directly at me. This time I wasn't afraid. For some reason I just knew he wasn't the killer from last night. We stared at each other until the shorter one started to look at me. I decided this is the moment where I would go back to the girls' home.


"Sherlock who is that?" "Nothing John. Just the witness when the murder was committed." John was perplexed. "But she's just a girl." Sherlock wasn't listening anymore. He was walking down the streets. John sighed and followed the detective. 

A Consulting Detective, Ex Army Doctor, and Child Mercenary Walk Into A Roomحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن