Im not obsessed. Im just protecting him

Start from the beginning

"Well.." Kakashi looked away "I've felt like I've had eyes on me.. constantly.. never
in my house but only in public. When I look around there's no one but I can feel it" Kakashi
said nervous.

"Your being watched?... that's no good... perhaps we should put you into a protection
program before we get any evidence of this.." she opened up a list of names.

"Can I go now?" Kakashi asked.

"Alright.. I hope you don't mind.. and if you need any help. Please ask someone okay?"

"Mhm.." Kakashi walked away, glancing at the countless ambulance cars surrounding the
school. Today was not, in one word, normal.

He walked home, constantly stopping and looking around "why are you f#cking watching
me!? Leave me alone!" Kakashi yelled into the distance. No response.

"If you want to see me upset you've got it!" Kakashi started to think about Guy.
"Did he commit suicide?.. or-" Kakashi felt tears run down his face.

"Leave me alone!" Kakashi ran home.

Once he got home, he slammed the door and ran to his room. He threw his bag
to the wall and sat on his bed.

"Guy.. I'm so sorry... I don't know what I did.."

Kakashi sat back into his school desk chair. Closing his eyes. He really didn't
want to be in that school. Or around anyone for that matter.

"Hey Kakashi!" A brunette girl ran to Kakashi, a small blush painted
on her face.

"Yes? What do you need?" Kakashi asked.

"W-would you want to g-go on a.. date?" Rin smiled.


"Yay! Can't wait! I'll see you after school!" Rin ran off to her friends.

Kakashi sighed "really gotta tell her I'm gay."

The bell rang loudly. Kakashi stood up and grabbed his bag, whipped it
over his shoulder and walked out the classroom.

He mildly avoided the areas around bathrooms as he walked out.

He saw Rin patiently waiting with her hands held close to her heart.
"H-hey Kakashi..." She smiled.

"Hi.. listen i have-"

"Where do you want to go for our date?" She grabbed his hand.

Kakashi mentally sighed "ill give her a date.. THAN tell her about my uh.. preference"
"I guess we can go to the park?" Kakashi asked.

"Of course! Let's go before it gets too sunny!" She ran off, holding Kakashis arm.

Kakashi admittedly had a good time. He and Rin talked about school a lot
and he noticed her respectfully avoiding talking about Guy. Even though Kakashi
wasn't interested in girls, the person who would marry Rin one day, would be lucky.

Kakashi walked Rin home and dropped her off.
"Thank you for today! It was really fun!" She smiled.

"Your welcome. See you at school" Kakashi walked off.

This time, Kakashi didn't feel the unwanted presence around him. Maybe
his life was getting better.

He sat at home, in such a good mood. He made himself a meal and sat
down on the couch. Since he had the weekend off, he would be able to stay up.

he watched some movies and eventually fell asleep.


Kakashi woke up to his Tv. It was on the morning news.

"We have all been mentally and physically shook by the deaths at the public high school
of konoha"

Kakashi closed his eyes. "Wait.." he looked up at the screen "there were more!?"

"We will be talking about the incidents.. a young, enthusiastic boy committed suicide
in the public bathroom.. and a young brunette girl found dead in her home. She was
also attending konoha high"

Kakashi sat up. His breathing becoming more rapid "my friends..." He looked
up at the screen.

"Viewer discretion advised.."

A picture of Rin and Guy from the school photos appeared on the screen.

Kakashi felt tears run down his face. Looking at his friends "their gone.."

Kakashi covered his eyes with his arms "my f#cking friends are dead!" Kakashi
quietly sobbed.

"We are currently researching possible leads for this murder but none are

Kakashi tried his best to hold back his tears. His mind settled else where. Somewhere
where he was safe. Somewhere where he was alone.


"Your f#cking sick" Itachi commented.

"Im not sick. Im just being-"

"Obsessed?" Itachi said "murdering everyone who talks to him
isn't increasing your chances of dating him.

"Im not Obsessed! Im just protecting him" Obito complained.

"If protecting him is making him in a state of depression. We have a different
idea of protecting my friend" Itachi joked.

"F#ck you. You don't know true love~" Obito said as he looked at
his various photos of Kakashi.

"This isn't love. This is just wrong" Itachi laughed "I'm going out"

"Mhm.." Obito smiled "I will protect you my love~ always" he held
up a photo of Kakashi smiling "you will be safe.. forever"

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