year 1 | chapter 6

Start from the beginning

Once we got outside, I instantly laid down to make a snow angel, swinging my arms and legs back and forth.

"What the bloody hell are you doing?" Ron asked me, looking confused.

"Making a snow angel!" I said excitedly as I stood up.

"What's that?" Ron's brows furrowed in confusion.

"See my legs made the dress, and my arms made the wings," I pointed out.

"Oh," Ron said, tilting his head as he looked at it.

"Come on, Ron, you've never made a snow angel before?" Harry asked as he laid down next to where I had and began making his own snow angel.

"No," Ron said slowly.

"Come on," I said, pulling him over on the other side of mine. "Now lay down," I instructed. He hesitantly laid down in the snow.

"It's cold," Ron stated.

"Obviously," I laughed. "Now swing your arms and legs!" He did as I said and began creating a snow angel. Once he finished, I reached my hand out to help him up, and he gladly took it.

"See?" I said, spinning him around.

"Kind of," he replied, staring intently at his silhouette in the snow. As he continued looking at it, I took the opportunity to grab a ball of snow, and throw it at his shoulder.

"Hey!" he shouted, turning around. He looked between Harry and me, and I instantly pointed towards Harry, indicating he threw it.

"It was Harper!" Harry shouted, looking at me in disbelief.

"It was Harry!" I responded, copying his expression.

"You're both dead," Ron replied, scooping up some snow below him. I instantly ran behind Harry, using him as a shield.

Ron threw a snowball that hit Harry right in the chest. Harry looked down at it before looking back at Ron who had a cheeky grin on his face.

"You're on!" Harry shouted, scooping up a ball of snow, and chucking it at Ron.

Soon, the three of us were running around the grounds, giggling, and throwing snowballs at each other. It was already the best Christmas I'd ever had.

I'd lost Harry and Ron and was hiding behind a tree with my back leaned against it trying to catch my breath. I had a snowball prepared in my hand, just in case.

Ron dashed around the corner, and instantly threw a snowball at me, hitting me right in the face.

"Ronald!" I shouted, wiping my face with my free hand. Ron had bent over his stomach, laughing hysterically. I took the opportunity to chuck the snowball in my hand at his face.

"Harper!" Ron shouted, now wiping his face off as I laughed loudly. "It's going down my jumper!" Ron whined, causing me to laugh even harder. Ron looked up at me with a playful angry expression before running at me and tackling me to the ground.

I screamed as Ron landed on top of me. Luckily, the snow broke my fall, so neither of us got hurt. Ron had me pinned to the ground with his legs on either side of my waist. He began taking snow and trying to shovel in on top of me as I tried to free myself from his grip. I threw snow up at him and kicked my legs.

Soon, we both stopped as we were out of breath from laughing so hard. I looked up and Ron had snowflakes in his eyelashes and his cheeks and nose were tinted pink from the cold. He was breathing heavily as I stared at him. He stopped laughing and stared back down at me.

After a few seconds of staring into each other's eyes, I realized the position we were in. Ron was essentially straddling me. My cheeks went bright red as my eyes widened and so did Ron's as he glanced down at his body on top of mine.

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