"Your mother does not need to know!" Stoick shushed Hiccup and then changed the topic by saying "I'm sure Heather is getting impatient."

"Oh no, this is really entertaining," Heather just smirked which caused Stoick to groan. "But anywho let's continue."

"This is Fishlegs," Heather introduced as a portly blond man came out of the office behind her. "He's my technical specialist and one of the best White hats in the biz,"

"White hat?" Tuffnut asked as he looked curiously at the duo.

"To put it plainly it's a hacker that respects the law and uses their skills to test for vulnerabilities in the software systems," Astrid surprisingly explained.

"As a show of good faith, I will disclose that I have another operative on my team. They are currently acting as a lookout while we have this meeting." Heather declared as the group all took a seat.

Fishlegs took a seat behind the monitors and began pulling up pictures while Heather talked. "Yesterday a facial recognition search got red-flagged in the NSA database. It was traced and my team and I were on the next flight to Berk." She announced. "Meet Furious Drake," A picture of a man with a short beard popped up on the monitor. He had a military haircut and a scar on his cheek. "He was an NSA operative but the agency lost contact with him four years ago near the Albanian border. He's been tagged as a rogue agent and is currently wanted for questioning."

"What does this have to do with the Red Death?" Stoick asked.

"Drake was part of a task force that protected high-value assets. There was a 'complication' with the asset transportation and the team had to divert to one of our safehouses in the area. That's where he met this woman. I'm sure some of you already know her," Now a picture of a woman with glasses and her red hair braided to one side popped up on the monitor. For those that don't know this is Roxanne Deluca, a.k.a the inventor of the Red Death."

"Deluca was held at the secure facility. After Drake and his team arrived with the asset they were transporting, communications went dark. After 24 hours of no communications we sent in a recon team but everyone in the facility was dead and neither Deluca nor Drake were found." Heather explained. "Over the last few years, there have been sightings of both of them though nothing conclusive. This is the best lead we have had so far as to their whereabouts. From the intel we've gathered, it seems that Drake has become Deluca's right-hand man."

"What would she be doing back in Berk?" Hiccup pondered aloud.

"My best guess is that Deluca is looking to expand her drug empire," Heather announced. "In the countries where we've had sightings of the pair, there was always an increase in street violence either involving the controlling gangs or the regional mafia families. After the fighting settled it seemed that a lot of the enforcers, lower grunts, and monetary assets disappeared into thin air."

"And you think that she had something to do with it?" Astrid questioned. "Isn't that a bit farfetched?"

"She managed to turn an NSA operative. I wouldn't underestimate this woman," Captain Mala declared.

"And you shouldn't," Heather announced. "Our analysts have classified Roxanne Deluca as a person with sociopathic tendencies as well as borderline narcissism. She will do anything to reach her goals,"

"There's still something you aren't telling us though," Stoick muttered. "Like what actually happened six years ago? The NSA swept everything under the rug,"

"I'm sorry but I am not at liberty to discuss that," Heather revealed. "I can only tell you that the agency wants Deluca and Drake alive, as of now,"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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