30. Final Promise

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*Pov Angelica*

*1 year later*

"This is my final promise to you. Your final chance. My chance to promise myself to you, to devote myself completely to you once again. To come to term with the fact that you has truly changed for the better. To feel your love for me to the extent that I deserve after all we've been through. With these ring I binde myself to you again and promise you that forbidden forever we are constantly chasing" I say looking directly at him infront of our daughter, his mother and our minister.

*Pov Dominic*

"With this ring returns my promise to you. To be your life long companion. To be your support system. To trust you and to love you unconditionally above and beyond. Always and forever. Beyond death doing us part" I say whilst holding her hand at the alter again.

As we both slip the rings onto our fingers, I finally feel as if everything is right. The rings are back where they should have always been as if nothing has changed, when in fact everything had.

What I have learnt from this whole experience was that truelove changes. It forces you to forget the person you once were before it and it teaches you how to live with it.

Our family is a unique one. Based on trial and error but I know that no matter what we can work through it. We trust each other, we value each other and we know that neither of us are happy without the other.

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