9. Truth mixed with lies

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*Pov Dominic*

After Angelica sent Adriana to her room she asks me to take a seat on the couch while she prepares something to drink.

I have so many questions to ask her and yet I don't know where to begin.

"I know what you must be thinking" Angelica walks in breaking my train of thought.

Before I can even comment Angelica cuts me off and says..

" Let's start at the beginning... Our daughters name is Adriana Valentina Montgomery"

"You gave her my last name" I manage to choke out

"Yes I did.... She was born of the 3rd of April and she was supposed to be a twin. I found out I was pregnant the day you showed me the divorce papers and I was holding the pregnancy test while you threw the papers the counter. After we both signed the papers at your office and you left the apartment completely I only stayed for a few days and left to live with my parents in New York for a while. While I was there I lost one the babies and that's also when I found out I was having twins. I wanted to contact you after but at the same time I was too scared to tell you because I thought you would blame me for the loss of our child. The rest of my pregnancy I spent in between London and New York eventually finding a home in Hampstead not to far from Central London. I couldn't stay in America knowing that you were there that's why I moved to London"

But then I moved my head office to England too.

"But then you moved your office to London too" the sentence sounded bitter in her lips

"I hoped that one day we would bump into each other and I could explain everything to you. So when you emailed me and asked me to meet you I thought I would finally tell you the truth. But that didn't go as planned. And now we are here discussing everything after I just told my daughter that you are her father" she finally finishes her story

I'm lost for words. I never thought I would see her again and that's why I left America. After I found out a few months ago that she was also here I couldn't help but think of this as an opportunity for us to give each other a second chance.

I could have never imagined having a child, but at least I'm happy that it was with her.

Our past relationship was based on lies and I had a feeling that sooner or later it was all going to shatter.

However after being apart from her I realized that she was my drug and I craved a constant overdose. I never knew how lucky I was until I lost it all.

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