Introduction from the Author

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Oda's taking a nice long break from writing the manga right now, so I figured I'd go ahead and write a little something of my own to keep me entertained.

The image above is of Gozen Tomoe, a female warrior who was the loose inspiration for Gozen Shoko, my original character! I suggest googling her if you're interested :)

The song above is Hope by Cap Carter. I love this song and it's what inspired me to write the romance parts of this book.

A couple of notes before you start reading (just so you know what you're getting into!):

I'm trying to follow canon as much as possible, but at some points I'll be changing some things, especially if I get to a point where I need to make up lore for questions that Oda-sensei hasn't answered yet.

Mild cursing warning: some characters curse occasionally but I try to keep it to a minimum bc I know not everyone's about that!

I'm up to date in the manga, but I do try to avoid spoilers for anime-only fans. If I get to a point that spoils anything from the Wano arc or beyond, I'll give a warning at the start of the chapter!

I try to avoid giving Shoko any physical descriptions for the sake of inclusivity, so let your imagination decide what she looks like! I have ZERO talent when it comes to drawing, so if that's something you like, feel free to send me a picture of what you think Shoko looks like and maybe I'll feature it or link it somewhere!

Last thing: I like to add my own "soundtrack" so I'll be adding songs that I think fit the theme of each chapter. If you like them, enjoy! But you definitely don't need to listen to them to understand the plot any better.

**June 2023 update: changing some comments above concerning spoilers! I'm writing as I go, and things are taking a turn from what I originally envisioned a year ago!

Also noting that chapter numbers with a '.5' are fluffy lil things that you can skip if you're not feeling it! 

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