chapter 28

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*Your POV*

When you get home you both decide to hang out in your apartment. From a distance you see a note on your door. You thought it was just a notice from the landlord. Your finally standing infront of the door.

You take the note off and open it.


He grabbed the note.

Found you

"D-do you think it was person from the comment?"

"I dont know baby," He grabs your shoulders, "but whoever it is I will protect you." He hugs you and you hug back.

You unlock the door, Mark goes in infront of you. The place was clear. You sat on the couch, elbows on your knees and face in your hands.

"I knew we shouldnt have done this."

"Well if you didn't want to do it then why did you agree?"

"Because! I knew you really wanted to tell your fans. I know they're like family to you.... How could you not tell your family about something so amazing that's happen to you."

"But if the thing that makes me happy is anything other than happy then Im no longer happy." He pits his hand on your leg.

"Im sorry... for yelling. Sometimes my words just come out." You laugh a little and look at Mark.

"Me here or you there?"


"Well if im going to be your bodyguard we need to stay together. Do i stay here or do you want to stay at my place?"

"Well I have more video games."

"Then here it is. Ill go get some of my stuff." He gets up and leaves.

"Wow I thought he'd never leave."

You quickly stand up and turn around, barely missing a knife being swung at you. You see a girl, probably 17. She was kind of short and really skinny. You start to laugh.

"What are you laughing at whore?"

"At you, twig." You start laughing again. "You want to take me on?"

"No. I want to kill you."

Your still laughing. "Get the fuck out."

She gets angry and lunges at you. You grab her wrist and twist it, causing her to drop your knife. You put her arm around her back and walk her to the stairs.

"Dont come back." You throw her down the stair and close the door.

Mark comes out with some of his stuff, staring at you. "What was that about?"

"That was the girl who wanted to kill me. I guess i didn't need protection from her after all."

Mark starts to walk back into his apartment.

"But you can still stay with me if you want."

He quickly turns around and runs in your apartment. You laugh and follow in behind him.


"So what do you want to do know that your stuffs put away?"


"Saw maraton?"

"Is it possible for me to love you even more?" You both smile and look at eachother.

"Well then i guess we have to buy junk food."

"It is!" He cups your cheeks in his hands and kisses you.

(faint) *beep beep beep*

"What was that noice?"

"What noice? The fireworks that went off when we kiss?"

You laugh and grab your keys. "Come on lover boy. Off to the story!" You put one of your arms up and ran down the hall. Him following close behind.

'How is this so perfect?'


"Ok icecream?"
"Sour gummy worm?"
"Yes i like marshmallows."
He laughs and grabs them.

"Are we done?"

"It looks like it." We laugh and go to the register.


"Ok so which one do we watch first?"

He looks at you so confused. You start to laugh. "Oh my god your face. I was only kidding."

"That's mean."

You shrug and grab a bunch of bowls to put everything in while Mark gets the movies ready.


The movies are over and all the food is gone. You look at your phone.

"Holy shit it's 12:30."

"Wow. That was shorter then i expected."

"I know right. Well, time for bed." You get up but Mark pulls you back down.

"No. We have to watch a nice movie now. Everytime you watch a scary movie you have to watch a nice one after."

You laugh. "Ok then, what movie?"

"Uh I dont know."

"Ok." You turn to face Mark. "Pick a hand. Left or Right?"

"Uh left."

"Ok." You get up and get the movie.

"What were the choices?"

"It was either Monsters Inc. or Finding Nemo. You picked Nemo."

"Cool. Im fine either way."

"You sure are."

After a couple seconds Marks starts laughing. "Im not that dumb I swear."

You laugh and sit next to him. "It's ok. I still love you."

"I love you too."


*Gasps* *whispers* "He touched the butt."

"(Y/n) shh."



"Just keep swimming. Just keep swimming."

"Mark shh."



The movie was over and we were walking to the room. We layed down, you in Mark's arm.



"We didn't record today."

"Well fuck."

"Guess who has 2 thumbs and is doing extra work tomorrow?"

Mark laughs and we both put up our thumbs.

"Good night handsome."

"Good night beautiful."

What Life Would That Be? (Markiplier x Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum