chapter 22

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Mark is still on his flight to Cincinnati, Ohio. He was just staring out the window. All a sudden lights start to flash. The captain comes on the intercom.

"The engines have cought fire we're going down!"

The plane dives nose first and Mark begins to cry. Harder than he's every cried in his life. And as if in slow motion the plane slowly collides with the ground. Passengers are flying everywhere. Then the plane explodes.


You wake up in a panic. You feel as if you can't breath and you're all sweaty. "Where's my phone?! Where's my phone?!" You push 1 and call.


"Mark! Oh my god! Are you ok?!"

"Yes (y/n). Why? What happen? Are you ok?

"Yeah. Im ok. Im sorry to worry you, it's just that," you start to cry.

"Hey. Its ok, tell me what happened."

"I had a horrible, horrible nightmare," you continue to cry until you finish telling him.

" (y/n) I promise you Im ok. Please stop crying. I'm safe, it's ok."

"Im sorry Mark. I know you're ok now, so I'm ok." you laugh a little.
"Ok bye Mark. I love- hearing your voice. Not in a creepy way. It calms me."

He laughs. "I love hearing your voice too. Bye (y/n) I'll be home soon." you both hung up.

'Holy shit that was close.'

You were about to get out of bed when you hear a strange noice again. It sounded like a whisper, but was still too faint.

'Im pretty sure it's the pipes. Probably the water pipes.'

You get up and get ready for work.


This probably was the slowest week of your life. Everyday just seemed to be getting slower. You really missed Mark.

You get in the elevator. 'Mark is coming home tomorrow. I hope the day goes by fast.'

You get out your keys and unlock the door. As soon as you close the door someone tackles you to the ground. You turn over and punch them right in the noice. They grab their face and roll off of you.

"Ow (y/n)! I just wanted to surprise you. I didn't think i was going to get punched."

Your eyes grew wide and you sit up quickly.


"Yes. Who else would it be?"

You punch him in the arm.

"What the heck is wrong with you? How did you even get in here?"

"Video games teach you a lot."

You run into the bathroom. You come back with a little wet wash cloth.

"Im so, so sorry. But that's what you get for breaking and entering and tackling me like a would."

"True. Im sorry." He wiped his bloody nose with the cloth. You felt so guilty for making him bleed.

"Hey! Your home!" You start kissing his face. "I missed you SO much!" You hug him.

"Thanks for barely noticing." He laughs.

"Well sorry I thought I was about to die or something. Automatic defense mode. Are you ok now?"

"No, my boo-boo needs a kiss."

You roll your eyes and laugh, then you kiss his nose.

"I think you hit my lip too. Now it has a boo-boo."

He leans in close to you, you getting closer as well. You lips finally connect, then blackness.

*Someone crying*

"Come on (y/n), please?"

'What? Who is that whispering? They sound so far away.'

*more crying*

*beep* *beep* *beep* *beep*

"Hey you ok," Mark is holding you in his arms, both of you still on the floor.

"Yeah, yeah I'm ok."

"Did you faint again? Are my kisses that good?"

"No I didn't faint. Im not really sure what happened." You were too confused to laugh at his conceidedness.

"Are you sure you're ok."

"Yeah I'm sure." You get up and help him up.

He pulls the little towel out of his nose.

"Hey look your nose stopped bleeding. And you can keep the towel."

"No you have it. Add to the shrine you made about me."

You were "shocked". "Who did you know? That was a secret!"

Mark's face became shocked. You burst out laughing. You laughed so hard that you feel back on the floor. You had tears pouring out of your eyes.

"Well sorry you're such a good actress."

You finally get back up, wiping your tears.

"I can't believe you thought I was serious." You hold your stomach. "Oh crap, my tummy hurts now." You start laughing again.

"I going make it hurt more."

"What?" Too late. You were on the floor again. Mark started tickling your sides.

"NO MARK! STOP!" You were squirming around trying to break free, but to no prevail.
"MARK PLEASE STOP," you manage to say in between your laughter. "OK! OK! IM SORRY!"

He finally stops and you get up.

"Just for that I'm going to throw away my 2 year old shrine." you run to your room and lock your door. You start to giggle as Mark bangs on your door. He stops and you finally open it.

"Truce." you hand out your hand. He takes it. "Truce."

He lets go of your hand and jumps on your bed. "Hey you have a tiny box tim plushie too?"

You blush a little. "Uh, actually, it's yours."

"Aw. You really missed me that much."

"Yes. Hush."

He held tim to his face. "Hi my little biscuit." He squishes it to his face, like he's hugging it. "I missed you."

You giggle and lay next Mark. He gets on top of you and looks into your eyes.

"I missed you too beautiful," he says giving you an eskimo kiss. You blush and he lays back next to you. He puts his arm around you.

"So what are we doing today?"

"How about lay here and play video games?"

He hugs you, putting his face in your neck. "Can you be anymore perfect?"

"Nope. Im pretty much at my limit." You laugh and start to blush because Mark is still holding you.

"So are we going to play or are you just going to cuddle me?"

"Can i do both?"

You laugh and hug him back.

What Life Would That Be? (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now