Chapter 20

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Did you guys watch the #SexyMark video..... Omg i died. My insides exploded. He is just so UGH! I watched it over and over. I almost cut my lip from biting it so really hurts. And that part when he humps daniels face XD. Anyways proceed.

*Mark's POV*

I wake up and stretch, flexing my big manly muscles. "What time is it?" I look at my phone. "8:52. (Y/n)'s at work already.

'Aw. I wish i could be with her 24/7. Just her name makes me smile so actually being with her, hearing her voice and seeing her face, gives me the greatest feeling in the world.'

"You know what. Im going to have a party. That way (Y/n) can meet my friends. And perfect timing because Aaron, Sean, and Felix are in town."

I call everyone, Bob, Wade, Jack, Yami, Pewds, Ryan, Daniel, and of course Jordan, and tell them to come over by 3. I text (Y/n).

Me: Come over after you get home. I have a surprise ;)

Seconds later she response.

(Y/n): ok? lol cx

'Even the way she texts is perfect. Why? Why does she do this to me?'


It was 2:55 and i was double checking my list.

"Food. Check. Drinks. Check. Cake. Check. Music. Check. Games. Check. Do i need anything else?" There was a knock at my door. "That's right. People. Check."

I open the door to see Jordan, Ryan, Wade, Bob, and Daniel. I also see someone else, someone new.

"Hey Mark," Jordan says," This is Alex. She's a new friend of mine."

"Hello Alex. Im Mark and I hope you have a good time and if your hear against your will blink twice."

She laughs. "Nice to meet you Mark."

I was about to close the door when i get stopped by someones foot in the way. "HEY GUYS!" It was Yamimash, Jacksepticeye, and Pewdiepie.

I let them in. "Ok guys. I'm throwing this party so you guys can meet my new friend. Jordan already knows her. In fact he introduced us." Wade gets a evil smile in his face. "She's just a friend and I wanted you guys to meet her. Thats all," i say the last part glaring at Wade.

"She won't be here for about half an hour so you can start partying if you want?"

'None of the guys brought there wives. I hope (Y/n)'s ok with just hanging out with the guys and getting to know Alex.'

*Your POV*

"Finally Im home," you say as you close my door," I mean I love my job, but I love Mark more. Woah shit. Did i just say i love Mark? Out loud?!" You cover your mouth both hands. "Its ok. No one heard it, im good."

After you put everything away, and touch up a little, you head over to Mark's. You were just about to knock on the door when you heard a lot of noice coming from his apartment.

'What's going on?'

You knock on the door. Mark quickly opened the door and shut it behind him.

"Put this on," he says giving you a rolled up t-shirt.

"You want me to go change? What's wrong with what i have on?"

"No," he laughs," i mean cover your eyes, like a blindfold."

"Oh! I got you." You tie the shirt around your head.

"Ok now I'm going to walk you inside, then you can take it off. Ok?"

You nod. He opens the door and takes you inside. You hear the door close.


You take off your "blindfold" and were shocked beyond believe. You stood there staring,with wide eyes, at all your favorite youtubers, then blackness.

What Life Would That Be? (Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now