"Yes daddy!" Zuma carefully made his way over, crawling on the seat.
"I follow-" he carefully slid off the seat, trying to reach the ground with his feet- kicking his legs faintly while whining.

"Come on zuma" Dream began walking, anxious about getting George inside.
"We need to be quick-" he kept his tone down.

Zuma dropped to the ground, falling on his butt before getting up.
"Sorry daddy!" He quickly made his way towards Dream.
"I fell!"

"Are you okay zumie..?" Dream glanced back, trying to keep calm in this situation... he didn't want to stress the pups out.
"Did you hurt yourself..?"

Zuma shook his head.
"Nope! I no hurt!" He giggled, walking up to Dream.
"I okay!"

George weakly chuckled- soon wincing.
"He- gets my clumsiness.." he spoke quietly, wincing in pain.
"Ow.. okay... maybe we should hurry-"

Dream nodded quickly.
"He does- but we need to get you inside immediately!" He quickly made his way inside whilst Sapnap drove away.
"You need medical help-"

.: inside Phil's base :.

Dream quickly carried George into Phil's base, holding the brunette up.
"Phil! Niki!" He yelled instantly.

Zuma had a confused look.
"Why help..? I help..?" He held his hands up, wanting to help with whatever the situation was.
"Me help!"

Before Dream could answer zuma- he was cut off.

"What..?" Techno peaked around the corner.
"What are you doing here..?" He cocked a brow, seeing the... three..?
"Uh... what the fuck happen to you."

Dream held George in a bridal position.
"Help- techno! Hannah burned down the mansion- and we have nowhere to go.." he carefully balanced his neck.
"I need help- George needs medical attention.. please- I have nowhere else to go-"

Elio and Allie hid in dreams hood.. afraid of this other man... he looked terrifying to them.

Techno look at the family, blinking.
"This way-" he nudged his head over.
"We will bring you all to the guest room- make sure George has his head tilted up."

Dream quickly followed after techno, lifting George's head up.
"Okay- come on zuma" he watched the pup stumble behind him.
"We need to follow-"

They few quickly rushed down the hall.. zuma could barely keep up as he stumbled after them... yeah- running isn't his strong suit.

"In here-" techno opened a door, letting the family go in-
"I'll get Phil and Niki right away." He nodded, but before he was about to leave- he stopped.
"Is.. Tommy and Wilbur okay?.. they made it out?"

Dream softly nodded.
"There both unscathed.. so is everyone else but George." He quickly placed George on the bed.
"He needs to be treated immediately- so please hurry!"

Techno nodded before running off.

As much as Dream wanted to rush techno more and yell at him to get help.. he can't be mean to those that can save George's life- cause then they most likely wouldn't..

Zuma tried reaching up on the bed- but it was higher off the ground then usual for him.
"Mama...?" He tried climbing up, but couldn't.
"I up!"
Once Dream made sure george was fully laid down, he picked up zuma and placed him next to george.

"Careful zuma... he needs to get medical attention.." Dream was terrified how injured George was... he needed Niki here immediately.

"I'm- okay.." George softly mumbled- he didn't want to talk very much as it hurt when he did.
"Just... sore-" he muttered.

.: My little Pet~ :. The Sequel .:. Mafia x OmegaverseWhere stories live. Discover now