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It's been 5 years since Y/N suicide attempt. After that incident she started dedicating her life to catching criminals. She's been living in a small apartment, sleeping during the day and haunting criminals at night. She was like a ghost living her life, but to her it was worth it.

Y/N was currently walking through empty alleys, when she heard a girl scream. She started running to were she heard the scream from, already grabbing the knife that was hidden in the back pocket of her trousers. When she ran around a corner, she saw three men trying to take down a girl. As soon as they saw Y/N they started grinning.

"Look what we have here."

Two of them started coming towards her, while the other one held the girl.

"Are you here to join?"

Y/N was disgusted by their behavior.

"I'm here to fucking kill you."

They started laughing.

"And how are you gonna do that? Huh? Show us."

Both of them came closer, one of them was thin and small and the other one a bit taller. She stabbed the taller one into his neck, kicking the smaller one between his legs. He fell to his knees, turning around and trying to get away from her, but Y/N ran after him, stabbing his back multiple times. She was about to get up and walk to the man that had the girl, when someone smashed a stone into her head, making her fall to the side.


The last thing she saw was the same man from her suicide attempt walking towards her and then everything was pitch black. This was not what she expected death to feel like. There was nothing, no tunnel that led into bright light, no angel, just darkness and the pain form the wound on her head. Suddenly she was standing next to her dead body, watching how the man still beat her up.

"Y/N L/N, born 11.11pm on __.__.____. This life has been collected."

Y/N knew who it was, but she just watched her dead self still get beaten up.

"I failed."

Suddenly the grim reaper passed her, walking to the man beating her up. He grabbed his head, throwing him onto the ground. He punched him multiple times, until he wasn't moving anymore. He walked back to Y/N again, passing her. His face had stains of blood on it and his hands were bruised.

"Follow me."

Y/N just turned around, following him, not looking back again. Without even realizing it, they had teleported to an hallway. The walls and the ground were out of black and white marble. In front of them was a big door. He turned to her.

"The Director is waiting for you."

Y/N nodded. He walked passed her, stopping in his tracks. They were now shoulder on shoulder, both looking in the opposite direction.

"You should keep you suicide attempt a secret at all cost. It could cause problems for the both of us."

And with that he left. A shiver ran down her spine. He did not once change his mimic, he was cold and intimidating. Y/N knew what was going on in people like him, deep down he was broken. She knew how it felt, she respected people like him. She took a deep breath, knocking at the door.

"Come inside."

Y/N walked inside and was meet by a bright room. There was a sitting area on the right side of the room, with blue couches and a big window with a city view and on the left side were steps that made some sort of pedestal, with the desk of the director on top of it. The director was sitting in her chair. Y/N walked into the middle of the room, bowing.

"Welcome to Jumadeung. Ms. L/N."

"What is Jumadeung?"

"We are grim reapers."

"So there is like a firm for grim reapers?"

"You could say that, yes."

"What am I doing here?"

"Well. I have an offer for you. I've been watching you for three years now and I must thank you for your service. You have saved many girls and woman from being assaulted, kidnapped, murdered and more. Something that has also prevented suicide,  a matter that would have been Jumadeung's responsibility. I would like for you to work as a grim reaper, but I think that you could be useful in a lot of areas. So I wanted to give you a special job. I want you to support teams in cases they can't handle on their own, because of less employees or personal matters, and I want you to take care of reapers who don't obey the rules. I still not have a name for this job, so I will just say that you will be my assistant. No one knows what exactly you do for me and I will tell you when and where I need you."

"How many teams are there?"

"We have the Tech Support Team, the Editing Team, the International Sales Team, the Registration Management Team, the Risk Management Team and the Escort Team, six teams. I will tell you all of the details once you decide."

"I'm in."

"You decided so fast."

"I have nothing to lose."

"You could start a new life."

"So it'll end like this life."

The director nodded.

"I understand. We'll let me show you around."

They walked out of the office through the halls, when they reached a balcony from where you could look into a huge hall.

"That is the entrance of Jumadeung and there are the elevators to the different teams. It's huge but you will know everything in at least a week."

Suddenly a Team walked through the hall, with the man that escorted Y/N at the front.

"What team is that?"

The Director looked down.

"Ahh. That's the Escort Team. They escort souls. What living people think of when they hear 'Grim Reaper'. The best of the best of Jumadeung are gathered in that team."

Y/N watched him carefully.

"Who's that man at the front?"

"That's Park Joong-gil. The Team Manager of the Escort Team. He must have escorted you."

"Yes he did."

Park Joong-gil...

"Well let's get to work."

Y/N nodded and they both walked back into the office.

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