The Doctor will see you now

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You walked down the corridor, heels clicking against the tiled floor as you made your way towards the reception to check in for your appointment. Today you were seeing someone new. You had been to therapy previously where you mostly just spoke about your day and whatever you were currently up to, nothing groundbreaking. It was just nice to have someone impartial to talk to. Your friend Bucky had recommended this clinic saying that they had good therapists and members of staff including a hot receptionist he was yet to take on a date. You took the business card he offered and phoned in. After completing an online evaluation form, they paired you up with a therapist and today was going to be your first time meeting them.

You approached the desk, sighting a gorgeous red haired woman typing away. Glancing at her name badge, you realised that this was Natasha, the hot receptionist.

"Excuse me." You spoke, getting her attention.

"Good afternoon, how can I help you today?" She smiled.

"Im here to see Dr La—lauf." You stuttered, unsure how to pronounce the name.

"Dr Laufeyson." She corrected politely, putting you out of your misery.

"That's it." You laughed awkwardly.

"Name please."

"Y/n y/l/n."

"Perfect, if you'd just like to take a seat for me, he'll be with you in a moment." She smiled widely. You thanked her before taking a seat.

Sitting down, you took in the view of the white walls decorated with minimalistic paintings. In the corner of the room, there was a fish tank that was teething with life from what you could see. You watched the fishes as they swam around, only knowing that tank as their home. You wondered how carefree they felt, how content. For them, life was swimming within the four glass walls that surrounded them. They were either satisfied or they felt restricted, you hoped for the earlier knowing the restraining feeling the latter felt like. The sound of your name being called pulled you from your trance as you glanced up, following the voice.

"Hi y/n." The man greeted "I'm Dr Laufeyson, would you like to come with me." He smiled, gesturing to the room he had just come out of. Standing up, you followed behind him as your eyes unapologetically ran up and down the back of him. He had black hair that was tied up into a bun, a white button up and tailored black trousers as well as polished leather shoes. As you walked into the room, he gestured for you to sit down before he took his own seat opposite you and you could finally properly see his face. Not only was he a sight to behold from the back but your breath almost hitched at how handsome he was. He pushed his glasses back up his nose as he smiled at you, crossing one leg over the other. "I thought that for todays session we'd just spend some time getting to know one another. Are you alright with that?"

"Yes." You choked out, hoping you weren't dribbling after you quickly fell into a daydream about him.

"Great. I'll start." He began, clearing his throat "I'm Dr Laufeyson, my first name is Loki and I like reading as well as winter sports." He said with a small chuckle.

"Winter sports?" You giggled "that's a first."

"Really? You've never met anyone who was a fan of winter sports?" He asked, raising one of his brows as he continued to smile.

"Never." You answered "so competitively or leisurely?"

"Sometimes competitively, mostly for fun. How about you?" He replied.

"I don't like winter sports."

"No I mean a hobby, what do you like?" He corrected.

"Well, I enjoy reading too and—" you stopped.

"And?" He prompted encouragingly after a few moments as if he generally cared and wasn't being paid.

"Um, socialising with friends I guess." You finished.

"Nice, relatable." He grinned.

"Unlike winter sports." You joked.

"Unlike winter sports." He chuckled lowly.

The rest of the session went well. Talking to Loki was easy, it felt a lot easier than you thought it would be. Usually whenever you met a new therapist, they'd either bore you with talking about themselves which defeated the object or they'd keep glancing at the clock as you spoke. Loki was attentive, eager to listen, to learn. You found yourself feeling slightly flustered a few times under his intense gaze but as if he could read your mind, he'd quickly look away allowing you time to compose yourself. Perhaps he was used to women feeling ruffled under his stare.

When he got out a notebook, jotting down a number of a guy he knew who offered jet skiing excursions after you told him it was something you always wanted to try, you took the opportunity to glance at his hand. No rings. Very dexterous fingers. Somehow you felt less guilty about practically gawking at him for the past hour knowing that he didn't have a wife waiting for him at home. He handed you the paper, his finger brushing against yours for a second which felt electrifying as if this was the first time anything other than your own hand had come into contact with it. You glanced up at him, stupidly wondering if he felt the same and almost gasped when his gaze was also on yours. Did he feel it too?

"Well, unfortunately that's it for this week but would you like to come in again the same time next week? Then I can actually do my job as opposed to debating tolstoy vs dickens." He snickered.

"In my opinion, Dickens is the clear winner." You defended "and yes please."

"Great, I'll get you booked in with Natasha at reception and I'll see you next week." He exhaled before standing up and walking you to the door.

"Bye Dr Laufeyson."

"When the hour is up, you can call me Loki." He gifted, looking down at his watch with a simper. "Take care y/n."

"Bye Loki." You giggled before leaving and making your way home, feeling tons lighter than months of actual therapy with anyone else had ever made you feel.

Once you were home, you returned the call you had missed from Bucky whilst you were driving.

"Wassup." He greeted.

"I saw the receptionist, you're right she's stunning." You answered.

"Rightttt. One day I'm going to ask her out. Anyways how was it?"

"Sooo goood." You squealed "Im with Dr Laufeyson, he's so easy to talk to."

"Tall one with the black hair and the glasses?" Bucky asked.

"Yess." You answered, biting your lip.

"We call him eye candy."

"We? Who's we?" You snorted.

"Well one time I heard Natasha refer to him as that whilst I was standing at the reception so it was like she was talking to me." Bucky explained.


"Well, I'm glad it went well."

"Same." You spoke truthfully after having seen therapists who you hadn't got on with at all in the past "but I've just got in so I'll call you back later Bucky."

"Later doll."

Dr. Laufeyson Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon