Chapter 31- Control

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Felix had almost forgotten about the cuffs. But there they were, on Hyunjin's wrists as he sat down for lunch in the cafe. He had left the dorm before Felix that morning, meaning he hadn't noticed he was wearing them, and then they'd been separate all morning, dragged into their jobs, wishing they were together instead. Immediately, he began running all sorts of scenarios  through his head, already thrilled by the thought. Minho cast the cuffs a long look.
"Nice jewellery. New?" He asked, drawing everyone else's attention to them. Hyunjin pinked.
"They were a gift from Felix." He admitted, leaving out the details they didn't need to know. 
"Hyunjin, fetch me an iced Frappuccino would you Baby?" Felix said. Hyunjin immediately nodded and stood from his seat without hesitation, racing off to the counter without taking orders from the others. Felix smiled to himself. When his boyfriend returned, he patted the bench next to him. "Sit." Hyunjin did as he was told, not caring that the others gave them both a squinty, confused sort of look. Felix set his hand firmly on Hyunjin's thigh as he sipped his drink. 
While the others discussed how the production of the next song was going, Felix made sure to pay Hyunjin the attention he wanted, rubbing circles on his knee with his thumb, casting him small smiles while the others weren't watching. 
"Damn, I forgot my cupcake." Seungmin cursed, glancing over to the plate and cake he'd left at the counter. Felix saw an opportunity and grasped it.
"Baby, go grab it for Seung." Hyunjin nodded once more, lowering his eyes to the ground as Felix patted his leg gently and sent him on his way. The others all turned to him the second Hyunjin was out of hearing range.
"What's going on here? Have you had a fight? Hyunnie's acting weird." Jisung said, his eyebrows knitting together in worry.
"Don't worry about us. We've never been better." Felix grinned, leaning back in his bench seat and sipping his drink conspiratorially. When Hyunjin returned, Felix slung his arm around the taller and whispered, "Good boy." low enough he was sure the others wouldn't hear. Hyunjin's ears turned red and he smiled bashfully, avoiding meeting his friends gazes. 

In the van back home, Chan was filming something from the front seat, Minho and Jisung giving each other gooey eyes beside Felix, and Hyunjin was beside him, eyes in his lap, back straight. Felix smiled and kissed his cheek, making sure it lingered.
"You've been very good today. I'll treat you when we get home." He whispered, startling when Chan turned the camera on them both, laughing.
"The two lovebirds back here have been whispering to each other all day. We're beginning to wonder if they've got a secret." 
"Channie, we're simply enjoying each other's company." Felix insisted, chuckling. "Hyunjin's a little tired, I was just saying we should get an early night. Besides, Minho and Jisung are being far more lovey than we are, just look at them."
"They haven't stopped staring at each other since we set off." Hyunjin said lightly, and Felix shot him a quietening glance, making sure it was clear that he didn't have permission to talk. Chan turned his phone on Minsung and Felix leant close to his boyfriend, slipping a finger under the cuff on his nearest wrist.
"This means I own you. I didn't allow you to speak." Hyunjin nodded hurriedly and Felix carded a hand through his dark hair, tucking it behind his ear. "Good boy."

"Do you want to go to sleep?" Felix asked when they reached their room, shutting the door softly behind them. Hyunjin shook his head. "Do you want to take the cuffs off?" He shook his head once again. Felix stepped up to his boyfriend and hooked a finger under his belt, raising a thoughtful eyebrow. "How about you take everything else off." It wasn't a question. 
Hyunjin began to shed his layers, his eyes darting around the room, a blush on his cheeks when he was finally naked, everything gone but the cuffs. Felix looked him up and down hungrily. "I have something for you. You can say no to it, I won't be upset." 
Hyunjin stood, hands fluttering around his stomach as though he was uncertain of where to rest them, as Felix reached under their bed and pulled out a box, fetching the collar from it and handing it Hyunjin. It matched the cuffs, plain black leather with a small metal hook on the front and a buckle at the back, it was lined on the inside for comfort, just like the cuffs, with dark blue velvet. "You can speak now."
"Can you put it on me?"
Hyunjin asked, the request coming out quiet and soft as a sigh. Felix nodded with a gentle smile and walked around Hyunjin to stand behind him. Still wearing his chunky boots, and Hyunjin wearing nothing, he was the same height, meaning when he leant in to buckle the back, careful not to catch hair in it, his breath ghosted over Hyunjin's neck. His boyfriend shuddered. "Tighter." He breathed. "Please..." He said, almost as an afterthought.
"So polite." Felix cooed, kissing Hyunjin's exposed shoulder. "Of course Baby." He buckled it just a little tighter and then leant on Hyunjin's shoulder, wrapping his arms around his boyfriend's naked body, hands settling on his abdomen. 
"Could you... touch me? Please Felix." He asked, leaning back onto Felix with a soft sigh. Felix's hand slid easily down and wrapped neatly around Hyunjin's cock, pumping slowly. He grinned at the quiet sounds his boyfriend made, and kissed his neck.
"Do you want me to fuck you?" He murmured softly into the skin there, feeling Hyunjin tremble at the words. 
"God, yes." Hyunjin gasped, sounding surprised by his own outburst. Felix spun him around in a swift motion and placed his boyfriend's hands on his chest.
"Undress me, then I want you on your hands and knees on the bed." Hyunjin went red all over, but there was that glint in his eyes and the nod of his head that said he loved it. His hands worked at Felix's buttons and the dom took the time to just appreciate his boyfriend's beauty, the way his lashes fell on his cheekbones when he blinked, the way he bit his lip lightly when he concentrated, the hickies on his neck from nights past. 
This would never get old. 

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