Chapter 6- Exclusive

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"Stay with me tonight. I want to wake up beside you." Hyunjin sighed, tugging Felix closer. He cast a glance around them to make sure the others weren't there, and when he was sure, pressed a sweet and gentle kiss on Felix's lips. 
"But the others..." Felix said, sounding like he was trying to persuade himself rather than Hyunjin.
"They're all in bed, they won't know." Hyunjin grinned and pushed the door open behind him, raising his eyebrow as if to say 'make up your mind'. 
"Just sleeping." Felix warned, finally slipping into the room with a childish grin. Hyunjin smiled fondly at him, wondering how he was able to be so sweet sometimes and so sexy other times. He was a beautiful, smiling mystery. 
"Yes sir." Hyunjin mock saluted and shut the door quietly behind him, watching the moonlight dance on Felix's face, lighting the freckles and the smile that never died. He wasn't sure when he would stop being entranced by that smile, but it wasn't happening any day soon. Felix stripped his shirt off and glanced over at Hyunjin who was watching rather intently. 
"Don't get any ideas." He chuckled, sliding his jeans off next. He strode over to the wardrobe and thumbed through Hyunjin's casual clothes, finding a comfy tee-shirt and sliding it on. It was too big and fell to his thighs, but something about the sight made Hyunjin's heart pound in his chest. "Stop staring and get undressed." Felix said lightly, stalking over to Hyunjin and grabbing his shirt around the hem, pulling it over his head. The cool air his Hyunjin's skin and he trembled, or maybe that was the effect of being so close to Felix. 
He bent his head and kissed Felix so softly it was barely a touch of lips. "Get in bed, I'll only be a minute." Felix smiled softly and padded over to the bed, slipping under the coverlet and sighing. Hyunjin watched him curiously as he stripped completely and approached the bed. Even in the dim light he could see Felix blushing.
"What're you doing Hyunnie?" He said, a warning tone in his voice as his eyes shamelessly roved over the miles of exposed flesh. Hyunjin chuckled a little and retrieved his pyjama bottoms from the bedside table with a grin, waving them as if to make a point of what he was doing. Felix rolled his eyes and settled down against the pillows as Hyunjin put on the baggy pants and shuffled up close to his man. He realised only then that they hadn't made it official, He had assumed his intent was pretty clear but neither had said it yet. 
"Felix? Are we... I mean, we're together, right? Exclusive?" He stroked an arm down Felix's arm and pressed himself snuggly against the boy's back, his words whispered next to his ears. Felix pushed his body further into the warmth of Hyunjin's embrace and pulled Hyunjin's arm over his body so that he could lace their fingers together.
"You mean, are you my boyfriend?" He teased, running his thumb over Hyunjin's hand.
"Mhmm." Hyunjin hummed, the warmth of Felix's body against his making him feel safe and sleepy. He closed his eyes, holding Felix closer. 
"Of course. You're mine now Hwang Hyunjin. All mine." Something under Felix's light tone said he really meant it, and that possessiveness made Hyunjin smile blearily, kissing his boyfriend's neck and nuzzling into the nook where his neck met his shoulder. 
"As are you, my Haengbok." He sighed into Felix's skin thinking that he'd never felt safer than he did with Felix in his arms. His eyes slid closed and he heaved out a deep breath. 

Hyunjin wasn't sure when he fell asleep, but when he woke the sun was streaming through the blinds, casting strips of light down onto Felix's sleeping face. He looked relaxed, peaceful, the sunlight tanned his skin and highlighted his freckles, turning his white-blonde hair golden. For a long while, Hyunjin laid there and watched Felix, listened to his steady breathing and basked in the moment. There were some things he would never forget, and this first morning with the love of his life was one of those things.
"Morning Hyunnie." Felix sighed, his eyes fluttering open. 
"Morning baby." Hyunjin snuggled closer and kissed a line down Felix's exposed shoulder where the shirt had slid away. "How did you sleep?"
"Better than I have in weeks." Felix grinned ear to ear and rolled over, propping his head on his arm and watching Hyunjin with sleepy eyes. Hyunjin kissed him softly and unrushed, just a brush of lips to say 'i love you' before they would have to normality, pretending they were just friends. It was the moments like this that would get him through the day, he knew.

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