Chapter 30- Interview

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"Keep it clean but give them just enough to keep them excited. You know what your fans are like." JYP said with a dismissive wave, Hyunjin was heading for the door when Felix paused and smiled sweetly at Mr Park, clear that there was a tone underneath it.
"They are supportive and loving, and should be treated as such. We wouldn't be here without stays." He said softly, and Hyunjin grinned to himself, knowing how that voice could change in an instant, to something much deadlier. Felix turned on his heel before JYP could remark anything aggravating, and the two left his office hand in hand, giggling like idiots. The interview was in English, so Hyunjin asked Felix to take the lead: it started off pretty normally, asking about songs and choreography, and then came the part they had both been dreading.
"So, you must know i'm going to ask about the announcement. The whole industry is blowing up right now about Hyunlix." Felix laughed dryly and clasped Hyunjin's hand in his, rubbing a thumb across his knuckles.
"Yes, we're very pleased to finally be open about our relationship."
"But it must have been tough? Keeping it a secret, working around the fact you all live together?"
"It was little tricky at the start, because we weren't sure if being together was such good idea. We were worried, like, if it affect the group or our freindship." Hyunjin said, crossing his legs over in an attempt to look casual, though his heart was racing and even Felix's hand on his did little to calm him down.
"We told the others pretty quickly into dating, and they were very supportive, so it became a little easier to just be ourselves. But yes, there was an initial worry that it would impact the group." Felix admitted, smiling gently. 
"Do you worry if you break up, you won't be able to still work together?"
"Uh... " Felix seemed at a loss for words, and Hyunjin could see his smile faltering, but he didn't waver when then interjected to save his boyfreind:
"We don't worry, because we won't break up. We're in it for - what's the phrase?" He turned to Felix with his best, winning smile and Felix's eyes softened, his grip on Hyunjin's hand loosening a bit. 
"Long haul. In it for the long haul." He chuckled, putting his hand on Hyunjin's knee instead, and forgetting for a moment that the interviewer was still there: it felt like just the two of them.
"You're very sweet together, if you don't mind me saying." She said, snapping them out of their moment, and Hyunjin wrapped his arm around Felix's shoulder, pulling him in to kiss his cheek. Just enough to keep them excited. He knew how to put on a show, and he needed no excuse to kiss the love of his life. 
"We don't mind." Felix mumbled, swatting Hyunjin away with a smile but letting his arm around him stay there. "We've both been a lot happier since this started, it all feels like some sort of dream."
"Can I ask something a little more personal?"
"I suppose. But I don't know if we can answer it." Felix chuckled, already dreading the question.
"What's the sleeping arrangements like?"
"Well we share a dorm now. And share hotel room on tour. He sleeps on the left, me on the right." Hyunjin said smugly, knowing he'd answered the question but avoided anything uncomfortable. They both knew it was not the answer she was looking for, but it was the one she was getting. She looked slightly disappointed, but quickly moved on.
"We thought we'd play a little game to learn more about you now, as a couple. I've got some questions here from our readers, you just have to answer." 
Felix and Hyunjin nodded with amicable smiles. 
"So, your favourite physical feature on him." 
"Hmmm, tricky." Felix said, eyeing up Hyunjin playfully, even though he knew his answer immediately. His ass. "His eyes I think, they're very pretty, and he's got really long lashes."
"I'm stuck between his smile and his freckles." Hyunjin said, making Felix blush. He had always been conscious of his freckles, but knowing that Hyunjin loved them made him just that little bit happier. The interviewer was obviously pleased with this, she was grinning ear to ear.
"An annoying habit he has."
"Oh, easy. He steals all the bedsheets from me. I always wake up cold. And he spends way to long in the shower." Felix laughed when Hyunjin faked being very offended.
"There is nothing he does that annoys me." Hyunjin cooed, going in for a kiss and having Felix push him away playfully and with a dubious look on his face. "Sometimes he ignores me when he is playing games." He pouted.
"One thing you wish you could do together."
"Visit Yongbok's family in Australia." Hyunjin said immediately. Felix gave him a soft smile, as did the interviewer, who obviously thought it was a very sweet sentiment. Felix forgot it was his turn, and when eyes turned to him, he panicked. 
"Get married I suppose." He laughed, the nerves getting to him, and before he could process what he'd said, Hyunjin had turned on him, eyes wide with shock. Shit, he thought, stumbling over his words for an excuse. But then it occurred to him that there was nothing wrong with this. He and Hyunjin had spent night after night talking about their future together, so obviously they both planned for there to be a future. And Hyunjin was shocked, yes, but he was also smiling. 
"I mean, not right now." Felix said, deciding to just own it. "But yeah, one day I want to be Mr Hwang, or for him to be Mr Lee, maybe we go double-barrelled. Lee-Hwang? Hwang-Lee?" Hyunjin burst out laughing and his arm around Felix tightened, his smile growing. "I think we stick with one, imagine how the kids would be bullied with a name like Hwang-Lee." 
"Marriage and Kids? Looks like you two really are planning for the future." The interviewer grinned, and then she started to wrap up, saying her goodbyes and doing her sponsorships, all the usual; Felix didn't hear any of it. He started in awe at the man next to him, thinking of all the years they would spend together. Kids... Yes, they would have a little girl and a little boy, they would be perfect, and they could be normal and happy. It would be perfect. And Felix couldn't wait for that future.

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