Chapter 18- Reckoning

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"Guys, JYP wants to talk to you." The words that sent Felix into a cold sweat. Chan understood full well what It might mean, that's why he was doing his best to smile reassuringly at Hyunjin and Felix, hands laced together. "We're behind you, all the way. Remember that." 
It didn't mean anything, Felix thought bitterly. In the end, this was it: they were over. He knew the rules, he knew JYP, he knew this was it. Hyunjin's hand gripped Felix's tighter and he took some reassurance in the knowledge that he wasn't letting go, they would go through this together. "We've got this." He smiled, and Felix's heart skipped a beat in his chest. He was so in love that the thought of losing his career, his livelihood, meant very little as long as he knew Hyunjin would be there.
JYP was behind his desk when Hyunjn and Felix came in, they knew exactly why they were here so they didn't bother to let go of each other's hands. Felix remained standing, body close enough to Hyunjin's to feel him shaking.
"Is there something you two want to tell me?" He said, and the look on his face made Felix want to swing for him.
"You already know." Hyunjin sighed. "How did you find out?"
"Do you have no shame?" JYP sneered, turning his computer screen around so that Felix could see the CCTV footage: Hyunjin and Felix smiling and kissing, unable to keep their hands off each other as they shut the door to the changing room behind them, and headed down the hall. Felix was sure there hadn't been cameras in that corridor. 
They were silent for a long while, Felix could see Hyunjin's pulse hammering in his throat, his own heart was racing at a hundred miles a minute. "When did we get camera's there?" He said dryly.
"I had them installed after the first time you two disappeared off together. I had my suspicions." JYP said smugly. "So what have you got to say for yourself? This obviously can't go on, whatever it is." Felix's hand tightened in Hyunjin's and his boyfriend gave him a look that seemed to say 'calm down, we can get through this'.
"What it is, is a serious committed relationship, Sir." Hyunjin said softly, and Felix could hear the fear in his voice, not just the fear but the anger too. 
"Nope. " JYP said, leaning back on his chair and templing his fingers under his chin, eyes on the boys.
"Sorry?" Felix said, dumbstruck.
"It's just not going to work for me, sorry. This, relationship as you call it, is just young experimentation, you've had your fun and now it's going to stop. I can't have the world thinking you're gay, and I certainly can't have them knowing you've outright broken my clear rules of no dating." JYP seemed so utterly uncaring, Felix could feel his cheeks heating up with anger at the casual way their relationship had been reduced to nothing: they had been reduced to nothing.
"With all due respect, sir, it doesn't matter what the world thinks: Felix is Bi and I'm gay and neither of us are ashamed of that. And we're not something casual that can be separated with one command from you. We are not breaking up." There was a finality in the way Hyunjin spoke that made Felix's heart jump. He knew somewhere deep down that Hyunjin loved him as much as he loved Hyunjin, but to hear it said like that, to know that his boyfriend would never give up on him, that was what love really was. 
"Look, I own you. I own your brand, your careers, your lives. So you either follow my rules or you leave." JYP stood suddenly, and though Felix sould have been scared, there was only anger in his voice and his heart when he said;
"You think the fans won't care that we're gone? They love us like family. And you think we won't tell them why you threw us to the curb? Because we're gay, because we're in love. You won't be so popular then, will you? What will happen to JYP industries when the scandal hits-"
"ARE YOU THREATENING ME?!" JYP's voice rose to a thunder and Felix flinched back, realising he'd pushed it too far. He was saved by the voice at the door. It was a voice he would have recognised anywhere, and it was followed by more, each as passionate as the last.
"If there's no Hyunlix, there's no Stray Kids." Chan said. 
"We won't perform without them." Han said.
"You'll have to cancel the tour, think of all the refunds you'll have to give." Minho grinned. 
JYP turned toward them with a sneer and Felix could see the fear under it: he knew he couldn't afford to lose the whole group, especially with the tour coming. 
"And I suppose you two are fucking like wild rabbits too, huh?" He growled at Minsung, and sure enough they both nodded. Both looking ready for a fight. "And the rest of you? Are you all fucking gay?"
Chan stood front and centre and Felix noticed that the rest of the group was behind Han and Minho, all of them just as angry. He knew they loved him, but this was a whole new level, they were willing to put their lives and careers on the line so that he could go on loving the man he loved. "It wouldn't matter if we were. You have no right to control who we love and chose to be with. Stay's would love to see Hyunjin and Felix together, they love us and we love them, just try taking us away from them and you'll see massive lash back."

JYP was silent. He looked between Chan, Felix and Hyunjin, eyes darting down to their still interlaced hands. "Get out. All of you out of my office now."

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