Chapter 9- Coming Out

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"Brekkie!" Chan called from the kitchen, waking the house. Felix groaned and rolled away from the sound, tucking his head under the duvet. Hyunjin's arm slid tighter around his waist and he remembered where he was: in the arms of the man he loved. He couldn't stop the smile that spread over his face, he found it happening a lot around his boyfriend, often without him realising. 
"10 more minutes." Hyunjin murmured. Felix's smile widened. He knew Hyunjin wasn't a morning person, but he was so sweet, his hair mussed up, his eyes bleary. Felix turned over and kissed his boyfriend's nose.
"Up you get, drama llama. We've got an announcement to make, remember?" Felix heard how deep and sleepy his voice was, he hoped Hyunjin didn't mind. Hyunjin's eyes cracked open and he grinned. 

"Hey, you're on time. There's a first for everything I guess." Changbin laughed as Hyunjin shuffled into the Kitchen followed by Felix. Chan and Minho were serving up breakfast and Felix noticed the way Jisung's gaze jumped over Minho, not lingering. He recognised the look: it was the way he had tried not to look at Hyunjin. 
They all sat around the table and tucked into vegetable omelettes in reasonable peace; save the usual messing around. Felix was still trying to figure out how to drop into conversation that he and Hyunjin were madly in love and fucking in secret, but it was harder than expected. Seungmin was making some sort of joke about Minho's hair dye washing out when Hyunjin solved Felix's conundrum for him, blurting out: "Felix and I are dating." quite unexpectedly. There was mix of reactions. Minho looked bored, Jisung dropped his fork, Chan choked on his drink, Jeongin started glancing around like a deer in headlights, Seungmin laughed and Changbin grinned like he'd been waiting for ages to hear it. 
Felix turned bright red and dropped his head into his hands, finding it hard to believe Hyunjin had just outed them so suddenly. "It's true." He mumbled.
"For about a week. It sounds cringey, but we're in love, and if you guys could all get behind us, we would really appreciate it, because keeping it a secret has kind of been killing us." He said, the words seeming to flow out of him without him being able to stop them. Felix looked across the table at him and smiled softly. He was glad in a way: it was all said and done now.
"I already knew." Minho sighed.
"I figured it out years ago." Changbin chuckled.
"I had a feeling after yesterday." Jeongin said.
"It's news to me, but then i'm not surprised." Jisung said, still looking down into his breakfast bowl as if it were the most fascinating thing in exsistance. He must have been finding it as hard as Minho.
"Since when have you liked men?" Seungmin asked, still laughing. When Hyunjin didn't answer, he shrugged and went back to eating. "Well I'm happy for you guys I guess."
"Chan?" Felix asked, noticing he was the only one not to have said anything. He was digesting it, Felix guessed. "Channie? Please say something..."
Bang Chan stood from the table and made his way around to Felix. For a moment, Felix was terrified, but then he remembered all they'd been through, how much they all loved one another, how much Chan loved them all. He was suddenly less afraid. 
"You guys!" He cried, wrapping Felix into a huge hug and sniffling. "Get in here Hyunjin!" Hyunjin hesitantly got up from his seat and came round to be yanked into a hug, his arms around Chan, but his face pressed against Felix's. After a lot of squeezing, the others joined, and soon a massive group hug had been initiated, with Hyunjin and Felix at the centre. Even Jisung and Minho joined, despite Felix knowing how much it must have hurt them to celebrate a love that wasn't theirs. But he and Hyunjin had plenty of time to work on that now that they'd gotten their coming out out of the way. 
Felix had never felt more loved than in that moment. He had no idea what he had been scared of. 
"Of course, you know this means i'm going to be watching you like a hawk when we're live, right? Can't have this coming out." Chan whispered into the space between Felix and Hyunjin. Oh, right. That's what I was scared of. 

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