Chapter 22- Mrs Lee

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"And when were you going to tell me?" Felix cringed at his mothers tone and pulled the phone away from his ear with a sigh. He was never going to live this down. "I had to find out from the internet! These photos are everywhere you know?"
"I know Mum, I was going to tell you, I really was, but then Hyunjin surprised me at the concert, I had no idea we were going public then." He awaited a response with baited breath, terrified of his mother's reaction. He had never properly come out to her, of course he'd made comments in interviews, and he always suspected she knew, but still it was different from actually having to say it. 
"Just be careful, baby boy. It's easy to get caught up in the rush of it all. Don't do anything you'll regret."
"What does that mean?" Felix said, his voice shaking a little.
"Just that... well have you thought this through? Being out, and publicly dating a band member, and a man..."
"No, I haven't thought this through. I'm scared Mum and I need you to be behind me on this. I don't want to make some sort of statement, I just want to be able to openly love Hyunjin. He makes me happier than I've ever been and I hated having to hide it like it was wrong or-" Felix choked back his tears and his mother's voice softened when she spoke again.
"Baby, you're happiness is what matters the most. I'm sorry if I made it seem like i'm annoyed. I'm not, I'm glad you've found someone, glad that you're happy. I'm a little scared having you up in the public eye like this, but I'm behind you all the way, and I love you so much." Felix sniffled and nodded, then realised she couldn't see him. 
"Thankyou Mum. I miss you." Hyunjin shuffled next to him and he dropped his voice so as to not wake up the sleeping llama. He wiped at his eyes and smiled shakily, thinking of how long it had been since his mum had cooked him a meal and wrapped him in a hug.
"Well come home and visit then. We all miss you. Bring that man of yours and make a trip of it. We'd love to meet him properly."
"I'd love meet you too." Hyunjin said, sitting up sleepily, a croak in his voice. Felix nearly jumped off the bed in shock, he was sure his boyfriend had been asleep. He smiled softly at the slip in his english, the fact he was trying to hard was adorable seeing as he'd just woken up.
"Is that Hyunjin? Put the phone on speaker sweetie." His mother said, and he could just picture her smile at catching him out. He put the phone on speaker and leant closer to Hyunjin, leaning on his shoulder a little. 
"Good morning Mrs Lee." Hyunjin said, his voice sounding a little more normal now, but his eyes still drooping a little with tiredness. He leant his head on Felix's and sighed softly. 
"Oh, did I wake you boys up?"
"Of course not. I'll make sure, how to say this, make sure Felix visits you at home. He talks about you all the time." 
"Oh does he now? Well you look after him, Hyunjin." Felix internally rolled his eyes.
"He look after me too. You raised wonderful man." Hyunjin said, kissing the top of Felix's head and letting his eyes slip shut for a moment.
"We're pretty busy with the tour, but there might be time in October." Felix said, turning the phone off speaker and putting it to his ear. He pushed Hyunjin back onto the bed where he curled up without complaint and snuggled into the sheets. "It's pretty early here, Hyunjin's more talkative when he's awake. It's just me now Mum, he's gone back to bed."
"Don't let me hold you up, go and be with him. Anyone who can make you smile like you did on that stage deserves all your love. Don't forget about us Baby Boy."
"Muuum." He whined playfully, hearing that stupid nickname again.
"You're my baby boy. Always." She laughed.
"I'm going now Mum. Love you. Bye" He hung up before she could find something else embarrassing to say and turned to Hyunjin with a soft smile. He was already asleep again, hair splayed out across the pillow and sweet snores coming from his lips. Felix really wanted to kiss him. 
"I love you." He whispered, brushing hair from Hyunjin's face and kissing his cheek gently. He laid down again, tossing his phone on the bedside table and curling his body protectively around Hyunjin's. "Forever and always."

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