Chapter 14- Clean

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"God that was exhausting." Hyunjin flopped back onto the bed with a sigh and shut his eyes, throwing a hand over his eyes. Hours of rehearsal had him aching down to his very bones. 
"I know baby." Felix smiled, laying down beside Hyunjin and resting his head on his chest, listening to the frantic beating of his heart. "You were great through. And so sexy." He ran a finger up Hyunjin's chest, toying with the neck of his shirt, pulling it down to see the hickies he'd left there. Hyunjin grinned lazily, turning his head to kiss Felix slowly and tenderly. 
"I know you're tired but if you keep kissing me like that i'm not going to be able to hold myself back." Felix sighed, pulling away gently and rolling off the bed, leaving one last kiss on Hyunjin's shoulder. "I'll grab the shower and we can get an early night."

He heard Hyunjin mumble something after him, but focused instead on getting his clothes off as quick as possible and getting in the shower, letting the cold water slosh over him so that he could forget about the feel of Hyunjin's body next to his.
"I think you forgot something, Lix." Came Hyunjin's voice from the door. Felix rubbed the shampoo out of his eyes and poked his head around the glass to find a very naked Hyunjin waiting for him. 
"I did, huh?" Felix grinned, his eyes trailing up Hyunjin's body slowly. He blushed lightly under Felix's hungry gaze.
"Yes. Your boyfriend." Hyunjin opened the shower door further and slipped in beside Felix - there was plenty of room in the walk in - his hands going straight for Felix's body. 
"What happened to being exhausted?" Felix smirked as Hyunjin ran his long fingers through his hair, pushing him under the spray so that the shampoo ran down his back. 
"I guess I found something better to do than sleep." He replied, lips shaping the words against the skin of Felix's neck. He felt Hyunjin reach behind him and turn up the water temperature, now it left hot tracks where it ran down his body, almost matching the heat between Hyunjin and him. He felt Hyunjin hardening against his hip where there bodies touched and it only served to turn him on, making him wrapping his arms around Hyunjin's neck. 
"And that would be?" He whispered against Hyunjin's lips. Hyunjin answered him by reaching behind him and parting his ass cheeks to slide a finger neatly into him. Felix gasped and Hyunjin caught it with another kiss, pumping his finger in and out as his other hand kneaded Felix's ass, making his eyes flutter shut. 
"I think you get the idea." Hyunjin said, his tone dropping a few octaves. Felix could feel himself getting harder by the second, he pressed closer to Hyunjin until their erections were rubbing deliciously together and he could get his arms around his boyfriend properly. He had a feeling he would need a good grip. "I want to make you feel good, my Haengbok."
"Then don't stop." Felix tipped his head back against the tile wall of the shower, the water was now on Hyunjin, running down his skin; Felix watched the droplets race down his chest, trying to retain his dignity for just a little longer, though he knew it wouldn't be long before he was moaning and begging for more. 
Hyunjin slid another finger into him and scissored him open, biting down on his neck and grinding their boners together, his breath short. Felix was sure he was holding back, he knew Hyunjin would never hurt him - even if somewhere deep down he might not mind it - and so he would hold back until he was sure Felix was open enough. It was his way. 
"I'm ready Hyun." He said, holding back the moan that was teasing at his throat. When Hyunjin's hands grabbed his ass and lifted him off his feet, he gasped but wrapped his legs around his boyfriend obediently and waited. 
"I love you, Felix." Hyunjin sighed, kissing him once more, then he thrust slowly into Felix, cutting off the words that'd been on his tongue. I love you too. Instead what came out was a deep moan that had Hyunjin pulling back to look at him. "God, that voice of yours..."
"If you want to hear it again, you're going to have to move." Felix grinned, pulling Hyunjin even closer, if that was possible, and sliding his fingers into his black locks. Hyunjin did as he was told, pinning Felix hard against the wall to hold him up as he thrust up into him with a groan, head falling onto Felix's shoulder. "Fuck baby! Again." Felix gasped, tugging gently at Hyunjin's hair.
There was very little to grab hold of, so Felix's grip latched onto Hyunjins shoulders, riding the waves of pleasure as Hyunjin thrust up and rolled his hips over and over again. Felix made sure to watch every move Hyunin made, see every expression and hear every moan. He treasured every seconded spent with Hyunjin, but these were the most memorable. Hyunjin's kisses were hot and fierce but in them was the words he wanted to say and Felix could feel how much he was loved. 
"Baby, I'm close." Felix got out between moans, his voice harsh and ragged. Hyunjin picked up the pace, lips muttering words Felix couldn't hear against his neck. He could get the gist of them from Hyunjin's tone: he was worshipping Felix, telling him how perfect he was, fixing every little thing he'd ever been conscious about with just a few words. Felix felt the pleasure reach a climax and he clutched onto Hyunjin for his life as he came, his body trembling and drained of energy. Hyunjin managed to hold him up in his arms, even as his own orgasm wracked through his body and he moaned against Felix's skin, his eyes screwing shut. 
"I love you too Hyunjin. More than you can possibly know." Felix whispered as Hyunjin sagged and they slid to the shower floor, smiling and blissed out. He pushed back Hyunjin's damp hair and kissed his cheek softly. Felix could see his boyfriend growing more tired by the moment, so he forced his legs to stop shaking and stood, dragging Hyunjin with him. "Come on. Let's get you in bed."
Hyunjin smiled sleepily and allowed Felix to wrap an arm around his back and walk him back to the bedroom, a towel thrown over his shoulder. He dried Hyunjin down and pulled the sheets over him, meaning to go back to the bathroom for his skin routine and to dry his hair, but a hand gripped his wrist and yanked him onto the bed with surprising strength. "Stay." Hyunjin mumbled, tucking a very damp Felix in his arms, their naked bodies pressed together but without heat and desire this time, just comfort and love. 
If Felix hadn't been so drained himself, he might have insisted on properly getting ready for bed, but as it was, he didn't have the energy. Or the heart to rip Hyunjin's arms away from him. So instead he shuffled closer and closed his eyes to the feeling of Hyunjin's warm breath on the back of his neck.

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