Just friends

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This oneshot is dedicated to my community— Rollercoaster as this was a prompt that was decided upon by all of our votes for our prompt event! Be sure to check out the others who post theirs as well!

The smirk on Ray Mond's face is extremely evident as she leaves Vinny's apartment— pride blaring in her eyes. Her boys who are scattered around the cubby eye her curiously before shocked profanities escape their mouths. "What the- Raychel!"

With a smile on her face, Ray turns to face Taco. "Yes, Nicholas?" She asks, a playful glint in her eyes. 

"What the fuck is that?" Ray very well knows what Taco is talking about and what the others are blatantly eyeing— the hickeys dispersed all over her neck.

"What is what?" She asks nonchalantly, not wanting people stirring.

"Those were not there a little ago, Ray?" Ramee's confused voice called out, catching her attention before she merely shrugged at him. 

"Who have you been with, Ray?" Curtis' tone is teasing yet protective.

"Just. . . someone," She grins at the boys, making them collectively roll their eyes.

Curtis' question is answered soon enough when the door to Vinny's apartment opens once again and a blushing figure steps out of it, immediately catching the attention of everyone in the cubby.

"Raychell!" Taco's scolding voice calls out as the girl turns to look at him defensively. "What, Nicholas?"

"You did not fuck Tommy T, did you?" Ramee's protective as ever voice emerges once again, in response to which, Ray shrugs. "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't." She narrows her eyes at the man. "What's it to ya?"

Ignoring her, Curtis turns to face the star of the show— a blushing Tommy Tate. "Tommy—"

Before Curtis can finish his sentence, a ring of a phone disturbs the protective instigators and prevents them from asking any further question from the pair.

Tommy's hand slips into the pocket of his sweatpants to retrieve his phone as he glances at the text displayed on it, his eyes searching for the caller's name. Once knowing so, he picks up the call and puts the phone upto his ear. After conversing for a brief moment, he ends the call and puts the phone back into his pocket— all while the CG members look at him with curious gazes.

"I have to go.." He announces softly. "Let's uh. . continue this later." He mumbles sheepishly, his hand flying to the back of his head to scratch the trimmed hair. 

Ray nods at the man with a soft smile on her face, which quickly turns into a flirty one as she starts talking. "Well, see you later then, Tommy T." She grins at the man, sending him a quick wink.

"See you later, Ray." He smiles at her softly, refraining himself from doing anything more in the presence of her family— also feeling the burning gaze of none other than Randy Bullet, making his body scorch.

As soon as the young leader leaves the cubby in his obnoxiously loud R8, Chang gang's dahlin' is bombarded with questions. 'What was that?' 'When did this start?' 'What did you guys do?' 'Are you two dating?' 'What the fuck, Ray?' 

All types of question are fired at her, but one stands out— 'Why him, Ray?'

It isn't necessarily the question that stood out, but rather the asker— Randy Bullet.

Ever since Ray exited the apartment, he had been quiet— not even a word escaping his mouth. Maybe that was what made him stand out. Or maybe it was the fact that it was him out of all people who asked. . . or maybe the fact that he could have been the person to have decorated Ray's neck with hickeys but chose not to be.

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