You always save me (1)

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"R.. Randy, where are you?" Randy's face tensed at Ray's scared words, his whole body rigid. "I'm near the bridge, where are you?"

"I'm under it. Can you save me? I can't get down." Ray asked as she looked down at the water flowing under her, goosebumps rising on her skin. "Get down? You just said you're under it?" Randy asked, confused.

"I'm on like- the second floor of the bridge. The support beam thingy."

"Fuck, gimme a second." Ray looked around anxiously as she heard rustling on the other side. "Alright," She heard him mutter finally after what felt like decades. "I'm on the road next to the bridge can you see me?" 

Hearing his words, Ray tried her best to look around without loosing her balance. "Steady.. steady.." She whispered to herself as her anxiety rose. "No, I can't." She finally grumbled to him.

She sighed, waving her hand from the bridge. "Can you see my hand?" She asked, hopefully but to no avail. "No, I can't.." His voice lingered wonderingly. Ray's shoulders sagged down at his words, her hope getting crushed.

"Do you see me?" He asked, wanting more information on her positioning. "No.." She frowned. "Wait!" Her eyes squinted, spotting a figure. "Is that you on the radio?"

"That's Wayne!" He replied, now happy to have gotten a lead. "Wait, do you see me? I'm dancing." Ray looked around where she found Wayne and her eyes widened as she nodded frantically. "Yes, yes! I see you!" She replied, hope rising in her again.

"Okay, okay," Randy muttered, trying to think of a way to spot her now. "Whip out some glowsticks real quick, can you do that for me?"

Ray bit her lip and nodded. "Yeah," She took put her glowsticks and sticking her phone between her ear and shoulder, she started doing her signature glowstick dance. "Wait, I see you, I see you!" Randy yelled out excitedly, giggling. The humor of the situation also caught up to Ray as she started laughing.

"Fuck, how am I gonna save you?" He asked in a wondering tone, putting a anxious hand on the back of his head.

"You always save me." Ray muttered softly. Randy's heart almost fluttered out of his chest upon hearing her words. Butterflies swarmed his stomach as the words echoed in his ears but he shook his head, shaking the thoughts away.

"Let me see if I can get a helicopter, you can jump into it." Randy said, turning towards Wayne but stopped hearing her. "No, I can't let the cops know I'm alive and here!" She whisper yelled through gritted teeth. "Then stop waving your fucking glow sticks," Both of them laughed softly at his words as Ray put them away.

"Okay, can you jump down?" Randy asked her, trekking down the terrain.

"Into the water?" Ray asked warily. "Yeah, can you?"

"I mean, I can.. but I'm pretty sure I'll die." She replied warily, looking down at the water, clutching the beam for support. "I've done this many times. I won't let you die, trust me." Ray felt a little relieved at his words. 

"Jump where I tell you to, okay?" Ray nodded at his words. "Okay," She was scared, of course but she trusted him. 

"Do you see me?" Randy asked, flopping around in the water. "Yeah," She bit her lip anxiously.

"Jump onto me, fuck it," Randy said finally, making Ray's stomach churn in both a good and bad way. "You're too far out," She almost cried out. "I'll die Randy,"

"You won't, I promise." Ray looked through her pockets. "If I do some coke will I be fine?"

"Yeah, yeah, do some coke, fuck it." She did just as he said. Suddenly feeling the adrenaline provided from the cocain run through her veins, she felt a pang of confidence. "I DID SOME FUCKING COKE, FUCK YEAH!" She yelled out making Randy laugh.

"YEAH!" He yelled out, hyping her up, matching her energy. Both their breaths got held in their throats as Ray jumped. Realization hit her like a truck as she opened her eyes, looking down at the water growing closer and closer as the seconds passed.

Randy's eyes grew as he spotted her falling into the water next to him. He swam to her, waiting to see movements in her body but when he didn't see any, his eyes widened again. He swam to her quickly, grabbing her in his arms, holding her against his body, he swam towards the shore.

"Ray, Ray!" He called out worriedly, shaking her body. "Ray, wake up!" He practically yelled as his heart clenched seeing no movements.

A thousand thoughts ran through his head all at once. He quickly pressed his hands to her chest, pushing down multiple times, hoping water would come out of her body. After multiple of them, it did and he sighed in relief before it was taken away noticing she still hadn't woken up.

He sucked in a huge breath and holding her mouth open, transferred it to her, hoping it'd help. "Wayne! Wayne!" He yelled into his radio. "Yeah?" Wayne asked, worried. 

"Call 911. She's out." Wayne's eyes widened at his words. "I- fuck. Did you check her pulse and shit?" 

Randy's eyes widened at her words. He hadn't even thought about doing so. He put one of his shaky hands to her wrist and the other right under her jawbone and neck intersection, feeling around for a pulse. His chest clenched when he felt none. 

He took in a shaky breath as he put his hand under her nose, waiting to feel her breathing but fell back down when he felt nothing.

"Randy? Randy! Are you good dude? What happened?" Wayne kept talking into the radio but Randy stopped hearing. His brain clowned by emotions and words.

I'll die Randy,

You won't, I promise.

Wayne was now next to him, shaking him. "Randy! Snap out of it, Randy!"

"I- I promised.." Tears stung his eyes. 

"What? What are you talking about?! We need to take her to Pillbox." Randy shook his head at his words. "There's no use... She's gone.. She left me.. left us."

You always save me.

"I failed." Randy looked up at Wayne who winced at his broken expression. "I couldn't save her." His gaze travelled to Ray's lifeless body next to him. 

I won't let you die, trust me.

"She- she trusted me.. She trusted me and I killed her..." He mumbled in a broken tone. 

"I didn't save her, Wayne, I killed her."

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