"What did I say?."

"They should have never underestimate me." Daniel spoke as he gaze into Rylee's eyes as she was lost at words.

"This..it makes sense now." Elijah spoke before he glance between Daniel and Rylee.

"Should we read the others.." Tessa mumble as her hand tremble to reach the next fold up file on the stack.

"No..we got the memo on what's the deal with our memories." Rylee mumble as her eyes fell downwards to the floor.

"Why are you suddenly mumbling?." Daniel ask as he was looking at Rylee who was acting different than before.

"There having a moment over there." Tessa ask Elijah, although the boy shrug it off as he glance back and forward at the two before him.

"I didn't bring all of them..there were to many." Rylee spoke up suddenly as she walk over closer to where Elija and Tessa stood.

"How many are we talking about here!." Elijah ask as his voice rose a bit, startling Tessa as she stood the closest to him.

"Hundred..little more than that."

The teens stay silent for a couple of seconds before a sudden growl of a stomach broke the silence. Tessa's hand slide down to her stomach as it growl once more.

"I'm hungry." Tessa mutter.

"I've haven't even seen a spec of food in any of the rooms I walk in.." Rylee spoke as she look down at her feet once again.

"We need to escape this place." Daniel spoke as he push himself away from the table. Running his hands through his light brown hair.

"How..and we're would we even go..hell..we could be on and island somewhere in the Bermuda Triangle!." Tessa cried loudly as her arms fold across her chest.

"Tessa..Daniel's right..we need to leave this place..I'm done being someone's lab rat."

"I'll look over the blue prints and stay guard..you three can rest up." Rylee spoke as she pick up the blueprint and sat on top of the table. Hearing a creaking sound while doing so.

Moments later. The small group got comfortable in the small room. Elijah and Tessa sat against the concrete wall and close there eyes. Rylee look over the rough blueprint with one hand while the other rest on the back of her neck. Though as her eyes where focus on the blueprint. The feeling of being stare at awoke a nerve as her hand twitch as she look up from the the paper and stare back at Daniel who stood against the wall across from her.

"I said I'll stay guard.. you don't trust me do you?."

"I don't know anymore..you left before to save your own skin..an-."

"My profile."

"I would care less what was said in that..though..why did you make me read yours..you could have hand me a random person and still got your point across..why yours?."

"There's no point to try to even explain..because..I don't even know why." Rylee mumble as her hand from her neck fell into her lap as her head tilt back. Daniel's footsteps echo in the concrete room as he walk closer to the girl as he stood in front of her legs that dangle off the edge of the table.

"I do trust you. When we first meet..when we decide who should lead us..I chose you..because your so tough.."

"I'm not tough though..I'm just fighting to live for another day." Rylee spoke, although a bit of emotion seep through her words as her head fell downwards as she bit the inside of her lip before lifting her head back up looking at Daniel.

"This is the first for me..being around by so many people..Ive always been alone..I guess I'm so use to doing everything by my.."

"Your not alone now..you have me..and Elijah and Tessa..the four of us will make it out of here."

"There's one issue though..trust-."

"I trust you three..it's a gut feeling."

"Your defiantly something Daniel..honestly..I think your to kind to be here." Rylee smile a little before placing the blueprint next to her as she toss her arms onto her lap "now rest up."

"Your not so bad yourself..Though..I am going to stay up with you..it's not trust issues..just don't want you to feel lonely."

Hours pass and the two shortly doze off like the others had. However it didn't take long for Rylee to wake up as it was hard to get a good nights sleep sitting on top of a table. Although that wasn't the real issue on why she couldn't sleep. Her eyes drift down to Daniel as he was sprawl out behind her on the table. Arms across his chest as light snores escape his parted mouth.

A tiny smile slip onto Rylee's lips as she slide off the table quietly. Her eyes soon travel down towards the other two as they where sound asleep. Glancing back at the blueprints, she sigh quietly.


DANCING WITH DEVILSजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें