Chapter 2. Mania

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"Please..come back to the room so we can talk this over." Daniel spoke as he gently grab Rylee's forearm as her legs voluntarily move along with his as they slowly made there way back into the room. Her eyes glue to the long claw marks embedded into the stone. Letting go of her arm. Rylee immediately punch the wall closest to her. Her fingers twitching as she drop her hand to her side. Daniel's eyes widen as he back up a bit as the girl hung her head low.

"They should have never underestimate me." Rylee growl as Daniel stood watching her stand still, not understanding a single word coming out of her mouth, although, most of it sound like cursing. However she suddenly lift her head up and spun around facing the doorway.

Daniels eyes focus onto the girl as her eyes focus out beyond the doorway. Though as he stood there in a trance. Rylee had darted towards the doorway.

"Where are you heading?!.We need to talk!." Daniel snap quickly out of his trance and leap in front of the girl blocking her way to the hallway. He waited for her to look in his direction before he spoke.

"I told you, I'm not sticking around to help you guys..oh wait..let me re-word that since two had already went adios and left..that's right..there was never and us in the first'm just going to let myself out of here." Rylee spoke quickly as her eyes were looking elsewhere than his face. She shortly took a short breath and nudge him out of the way and continue to walk towards the door way out into the hallway. However her movement stop as a hand touch her shoulder, her head slowly turn to the boy as her Icy gaze met his soft hazel eyes.

"We should stick together!."

"I'll pass. I like working alone. simpler that way, lesser complications."

Saying that, Rylee glance back down at Logan as he sat on the floor with his head in between his legs trembling.

She shakes off Daniels grip and continue out into the hallway and went down the hall.

"Do you even hear yourself right now!...Hey Rylee..wait up..please." Daniel quietly yell as he sped walk up to her as she was taking her sweet time down the damp like halls that were stunk up like a million different things had died in there. Her eyes wonder around looking at the cracks and stains on the concrete.

"I'm not helping you." Rylee spoke as she grit her teeth while she crake her fingers as she still walk even though the boy had already grab ahold of her shoulder.

"We should look for Kayla and Alice..what ever made that noise..they might-."

"Run into it..that's there problem not mine."

"I can't tell if your just scare or heartless..fine..I'll find them myself." Daniel said as he stop in the middle of the hallway. Though his hands where shaking. badly too. And Rylee could tell. Though she shrug it off as she continue to walk through the hallway. Noticing more and more of those claw marks embedded into the concrete walls. Daniel hesitantly turn around and walk the opposite direction, taking glances back at Rylee. However Rylee kept going in the direction she was heading. Never looking back.

Daniel took a moment and glance back into the room Logan was in. Clearly there wasn't anyway he was going to convince the guy to leave the room with him. Grabbing ahold of the blue door, he quietly push the door until he heard a click sound. With his head hung down. He slowly lift it up as he began making his way down the direction Rylee wasn't going down.

"Good luck man."

"I only need myself. They would just have held me back." Rylee mumble to herself as she finds another hallway with a set of doors alternating on each side.

"Maybe..there's a game."

Two out of the four doors were unlock, choosing the one closer to the corner of the hallway, she turn the knob with ease and poke her head in. Nothing useful. Just dusty tables and chairs. Backing up out of the room and closing the door, she sigh quietly before turning to face the only other door that was unlock. Opening the wooden door. The immediate musty stench fill her nostrils as she wave her hand around in the air, coughing a bit as she scrunch up her nose.

Taking a few steps inside, a wooden table sat in the middle of the room against the back wall. A few pieces of paper sat in a perfect line on top of it. Moving closer to get a better look. The young girls eyes widen as each paper had the pictures of each of the four she woke up in the room with. Including hers.

"Profiles..the hell..why..."

Scanning over each one, they all had many things written down on them. Rylee collect the sheets and fold them up, shoving them carefully into her back pocket.

"I should take these with me..If I do run into one of those children. This might help clear some things up."

"What the hell is this place."

With Rylee going her own way, Daniel was stuck by himself. With the only progress he had made was finding a staircase that lead down. He follow it and had found himself on a floor that was practically pitch black as the majority of the row of lights above his head where shatter and dangling by a few cords from the ceiling.

Pipes hung above his head as well, most broke and leaking which lead the ground moldy and damp with a unique stench seeping off of it. Walking farther down the hallway, more he look around, there weren't any doors.

"Those two did go down that hallway..and that was the only staircase..they should be down here."

Taking glimpses at the walls and what lay a head of him. A different scent became stronger and stronger. One that he hasn't came across yet since leaving the room he awoke in.

However. His steps gotten slower as he felt something off with his shoes, kneeling down to get a better look, a liquid that wasn't thin yet wasn't a gunky feeling cover his hands. His face turn pale as the red liquid glisten under one of the stray lights. Attempting to stand back up, he quickly lost his balance and fell back into the red substance as a huge pool of it surround him.

"There's so much blood.."

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