Chapter 8. Trial #01

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Five Year Ago -

Sounds of rustling papers, metal pans clashing and foot trafficking echoed through the buildings main floor. People dressed with long white coats surrounded a long wide white table as it held subject #01 as it laid on top.

"'s a success."

Two doctors moved to the side as a taller woman walked through and stood before the subject. Her hand that laid in her coat pulled down the white mask that covered her mouth as a hysterical grin took over her face.

"My dear..look at you.."

"Doctor Hicks..the other test subjects should be arriving here sho-."

"Look at her Nolan..isn't she magnificent.."

"More test trials are needed to satisfied our employers..however with the progress we're should go smoothly." The taller man she addressed as Nolan spoked as he walked up next to the woman has her eyes beamed with joy as she looked over every aspect of the creature.

"Make mother proud." The woman spoked as she ran her hand over the grayish green skin.

Another doctor, a younger woman walked in with a clip board and stood hesitantly behind the two older doctors as the haven't sense her presence yet. The young woman coughed to grab there attention.

"Doctor Hicks..she won't be awake for awhile..the Anastasia hasn't wor-."

"I can clearly see that you idiot. Call me immediately when she doses. Don't forget to take her to floor eight for the test..and don't interrupt me like that again..fool." The women spoked coldly as she turned to face the girl and walked passed her out of the room.

"Yes Doctor."

"Sees its a success so far Doctor Hicks." A new voice spoke as a taller gentleman with a suit spoked as he stood in the middle of the hallway as the woman walked up to him with a pleased expression.

"Brett..surprised that you found your way here." The woman spoked sarcastically as she placed her hands back into her coat pocket as she stood firmly in front of the young gentleman.

"Files are here. The kids are still knocked out..I can tell you one's and interesting lot-."

"I don't care about long as they satisfied me and clear up some of the small details of my work. That's all that matters." Doctor Hicks spoked sternly as she yanked the files out of the man's hands before turning on her heels and walked away from the man.


"She's just determined to satisfy the governments needs..un-killable weapons for war..I's any nations dream to have this kind of technology on there side."

"Your know full well the truth Nolan."

"That may be was Samantha's's done is done. And if your done should take leave..unless you'll like to stay and watch the test?."

"I'll just read the report..bye." Brett spoked before nodding his head as he headed back down the long hallway.

Watching the gentleman walk down the hallway, Nolan looked down in his pocket and pulled out a pack of open cigarettes, preparing to head down the hallway himself, a familiar voice interrupted his piece and quiet. He turnt his head and rose his eyebrow as he looked down at the girl.

"Sir..she's been transported to floor eight..however.."

"However what..spit it out already!." Nolan spoked irritated as he dropped the pack of cigarettes back into his coats chest pocket.

"She awoken..and..killed seven of the men.." The girl spoke timid as she avoided the man's intense eye contact.

"Well that's excellent!. At least we know the surgery went well and she has no human emotions..all we need to learn now is if she'll listen to Doctor Hicks. She'll be thrilled to know this information!." The man spoked as and thrilled expression arose don his face as he laughed a bit.

" had me a bit worried their for a moment." Nolan spoked as he walked towards the service elevator.

"Okay Doctor Welsh." Anna pulled her phone out of her coat pocket and dialed up Doctor Hicks. Telling her the news, everything has been set so now everybody was informed to head to the eighth floor.

"My sweet girl..look at you now..once strong.." Doctor Hicks spoked as she stood behind a thick glass panel with a few other doctors. On the other side of the glass stood a Conscience creature as droll dripped out of its jaws.

"Doctor Hicks..I think it's best if you tried to give it and order-."

"Is not and it..she's a lady..and know that!." Doctor Elaine hollered as her head snapped back at the boy that spoked.

"My mistake Doctor-."

"Take one..testing for obedience starts now.." Another Doctor spoked as the recording for the test has begun.

"Your prey should be awake my darling..go test them for me..I want to know who's the strongest..who has the most will to live..and which ones are the useless weaklings." Doctor Hicks spoked as a wide smile formed on her lips as two sliding doors opened revealing ten teenagers in total.

With confused looks, there faces changed once the creatures letted out one of those screeching sounds. There hands shot towards there ears as some curled up in a bawl and others stood with there jaws nearly touching the ground. Terror formed on there faces as loud yelling started as the atmosphere began to get livelier.

"We'll look at noticed the mini are taking notes correct!."

"Yes Doctor."

The room became hectic as different emotions were beginning to show. Bodies scurried everywhere as blood dripping down off the creatures sharp teeth as it moved in closer to a group of huddling girls. It's nose was nearly touching the one girls face as her green eyes widen when the creatures jaws grew larger.

"Wonderful..she's listening..she understands my commands..great job..Samantha."

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