Chapter 10. Break Out

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"According to this..the front door is right around the corner." Rylee spoke as her eyes trail up towards a small lobby that stood a few yards from were they currently stand.

"We still need to be on guard though." Daniel add as the group slowly began walking to the other end of the hall.

"Holy shit."

The group pause as they stood before a set of tall double glass doors. Peering through to the other side was a long staircase. And with a closer look, a wide open area with metal fences intersecting with each other stood on top.

"More stairs..of course." Tessa groan as the team push the glass doors open with ease as they walk up the tall staircase that lead outside to flat ground.

"This is starting to become too easy.."

"spoke to soon Daniel."

The group slowly came to a holt an look around, a light breeze blew as rustling sounds of trees blow together echo through the air. However they didn't stand out there alone.

"So many.."

Sections of fence were block off as creatures roam the terrain, the group look each other before looking towards Rylee as she still stood in front of them. Rylee however was more focus on a car lot that sat on the other side of a row of fence.

"What now Rylee?." Daniel ask as he stomp over next to her. The wind began to blew harsher as their hair blew into their faces.

"See that car lot..pick a car any car..because that's how we're escaping. So get ready to make a run for it." Rylee spoke as she glance back at them to see that there eyes widen by her words.

Rylee held her hand out preparing to motion the others when to run, each got into position.

"What about those creatures..they haven't spot us yet have they?."

"No. But they will Tessa. Just leave that part to me. Focus on getting a vehicle ready." Rylee said as she smile a bit at the girl.

"And what are you going to do?." Daniel ask with a worried look hinting in his eyes.

"You'll see shortly."

With her hand dropping to the ground everybody took off as the sound of clashing shoes and heavy breathing fill the air.

As the running progress began, the distance wasn't to far, the only thing that stop them was the tall metal fence. As Elijah arrive first, he frantically pull out a pair of pliers and began cutting away the wire fence.

"When did you find those?." Daniel ask as he kept snapping his head back at the girls as the both were falling behind.

"Back at that armory..for some reason..I knew they would come in handy." Elijah huff as he focus on cutting.

"Ah shit.." Daniel mutter which grab Elijah's attention as both of there heads turn and face the same direction.


The creatures that were minding there own business caught a whiff of them as there torsos turn and began moving.

"Come on faster."

Rylee slow down and Tessa notice this and stop seeing what Rylee was stoping for. Rylee could feel that Tessa was still there and suddenly shouted as she held a devilish smile on her face.

"Keep going..I'll be right behind you."

Tessa eyes tear up as she began running again shortly reaching the boys as Elijah was done cutting.

"What is she doing!?." Daniel ask as he stood and watch Rylee bring up the MK 47 over her shoulder and held it in her hands, a grin slowly rose on her lips as she point the guns muzzle towards the upcoming creatures and pulled the trigger with a smile.

Blood shot everywhere as limbs twist and flew everywhere as the creatures fell to there knees. However the girl didn't lead up as more was coming up. Although the creatures stop in there tracks and turn to face towards the falling ones as there focus had turn to them.

"Didn't expect that."

Rylee drop the empty gun and took the chance to catch up with the others as they had already went through the small opening Elijah made for them. Pulling herself through the tight opening she sat and watch as the creatures began eating the dead ones surrounding them. Too astonish to move. The sudden hand on her shoulder awoke her as her head snap up. Daniel smile a bit as he pull her to her feet.

"That's just disgusting." Elijah spoke as he hope inside a truck that Tessa was attempting to hot-wire.

"Let's go."

As Rylee got back onto her feet, the duo hop in the truck, Tessa crawl onto Elijah's lap to make room for Rylee as no one was volunteering themselves to ride in the truck bed.

"Can you be quick about it Daniel..they look about done over there!." Elijah ask as Daniel was still dealing with the wires. The motor suddenly hum giving the boy the cue that it was working.

"You can drive right?." Rylee suddenly ask as she for once look worried as she face the boy.

"I'm about to learn."

"Oh god." Elijah mutter as his head fell back onto the window.

"Hold your foot on the break..the one in the middle. Put it in drive than hit the gas petal!." Rylee order as Daniel follow her instructions. The trucks back tires dig into the gravel before taking off closing in onto a stretch of fence pretty quickly as the monitor was reading sixty miles per hour.

"Turn the wheel..that way!." Rylee yell as she point towards the dirt road that lead off through a stretch of woods.

Daniel turn the wheel as quick as he could, the back end sliding into the fence, the wheels spun as the truck took off through the woods, dust flew everywhere as the building was growing smaller and smaller.

"We did it..where alive!." Tessa cheer as she hug Elijah tightly as she buried her head into his chest.

"Keep this up Daniel.." Rylee spoke as her head fell onto the boys shoulder.

"Sir..the test subjects of groups #42 and #43 has escaped..what should we do?."

"Hahaha..oh Anna..we do nothing." A tall man spoke as smoke flow out of the end of a lit cigarette.

"After all..if they do speak about this..who would ever believe them." The man spoke again as he look down at a light up computer screen that shown a truck leaving the grounds.

"Oh Elaine..killed by your own daughter..karma is a bitch..I see your not worried one bit yourself Mr.Pierce."

"She turn on her. It's only naturally she would betray her." A tall slender man spoke as he emerge from the dark corner of the small surveillance room. His eyes narrow down at the screen that show a creature lock in a white room.

"She was beautiful..Samantha Hicks..however her own mother turn her into a real monster."

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