Chapter 7. Worlds Punishment

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With a loud panting sound echoing through the clammy hallways, Rylee stop at a corner and held her hand high on the wall as her breathing was un-even. A few turns back, another loud crying sound broke out. Although it was unclear if it was human or one of those monsters. Rylee wasn't taking any chances as she ran out of bullets.

Heavy footsteps echo through the dim hallway. Rylee's head snap up but shortly fell back down as a sly grin slip onto her lips as that damn hazel eye boy pop up around the corner with Elijah and Tessa following behind him.

"Rylee!." Daniel nearly shouted as he jog up in front of the girl as her other hand was wrap around her stomach.

"Don't yell." Rylee mutter as she stood straight up as the other two approach her.

"What happen to you! You look like you ran a marathon?." Tessa ask as she stood behind Elijah with her head poke around the boys shoulder.

"I feel like I did. Let's find a room and I'll explain." Rylee spoke as she walk pass Daniel who's gaze was intense as he turn around back in the direction he came from.

"Your not going to explain why you left all of a sudden.. thought we came to and understanding!."

"You also said next to you saw her you were going to hand cuff you and her together so she wouldn't run of on her own again." Tessa tease which quickly got a glare from Daniel.

"You would like that wouldn't you." Rylee mutter as she walk ahead of the three others as they made a right at the corner and look down a long stretch of hallway.

"Let's go into this long as the doors unlock."

Daniels hand grip onto the the metal handle as he open the wooden door. The group was token aback as the room was fill from floor to ceiling with weapons of all kinds with only a single table and a few chairs in the center of it.

" this?!."

"Another armory." Rylee blankly said before walking in as she tosses the empty Glock -18 somewhere in the room.

Tessa, Elijah, as well as Daniels eyes follow the flying weapon as it bounce off the ground and slid into a corner.

"What do you mean another armory?!..there's more rooms like this!." Elijah ask after he close the door behind him.

"Yes. But back to what I was going to say before. I did stumble upon Kayla and Alice-."

"Are they alive?!." Daniel jump in. However the only response he got from Rylee was and annoy expression.

"They where..but can't say about now..the room did had a small metal cabinet with weapons in it..small guns mostly..lots of metal book cases full of nothing..and.."

"And.." Tessa spoke as she look worried on what Rylee was about to say next.

"Thick glass barrier between that room and another..on the other side of that glass was a room full of scientist doing experiments on creatures..around a dozen probably in there..maybe more.."

They stood there quiet as the new information ran in there minds. Rylee pull out a few files she had shove in her back pocket while running that she found scatter out on the bottom shelve of one of the metal book cases.

"I founded these while I was there."

Tossing the fold up papers on the table they surround. Daniel pick up the papers and unfold them looking over them one by one.

"Th-this is impossible!."

"But makes sense." Rylee mutter as she examine the wall full of weapons as the other three examine the papers she had previously scan over.

Creatures that are create with the components of human corpse and some other living creatures. These beings still have human instinct. The purpose of these creations are for war and protection. With the abundance of teens that are at the prime of completing there final evolve as so call adults. The test given for these creatures are to hunt down and kill these prime subjects. Which ever of these prime subjects pass this test proves to us there intelligence. They will get to become one of these fine creatures themselves. ( however. There are many that do kill them selves in the middle of the's a pain..there might be and abundances of these disgusting pest. It's a pain to get ride of the just leave the unwanted to has proving to be a booster to the behavior of the others however).


"The work of devils." Rylee spoke as she slowly sat down on the floor. Tessa took a hold of the papers from Daniels hands as he walk away from the table with a astonish expression forming on his face.

"There's a lot of guns in here." Elijah spoke as he look around as some sat in wooden boxes, some hung on the walls while the bullets where store in bigger wooden boxes with labels.

"Elijah! Did you even read these!." Tessa ask as she was reading over one about trials.

"I did Tessa..and it's sick.."

"But..listen to this.."

" 01 and 02 have failed..groups 03 and 04 both combine and had only three intelligent individuals among them of which are alive physically..mentally..unstable it seems..trials will begin once subjects are injected and in comma.."

"those bodies from before.." Tessa mutter as she drop the papers on top of the table and step back with her hand over her mouth.

"They want us to kill..humans..?!." Daniel mutter as he look towards Rylee, although she was looking up towards the ceiling.

"It's a game to them..a sum it up..keep the smart ones throw away the useless." Rylee spoke.

"Smart ones....but it says here that they'll end up as a test subject!." Tessa spoke up before placing her hands on top of the wooden table. Although looking closer, there was a lump under the rag tablecloth that vaguely laid on top of it.

"So far.." Rylee mumble, as she look around the concrete room. Daniel spoke up as he rush over next to Tessa's side.

"What's under you hand?."

The girl lift up the table clothe and toss it to the ground. Rylee stood up as quickly as she could to see what the commotion was about as she stumble over next to Daniel as he spread out some dusty files. Rylee reach her hand out towards the folder and slide it over so she could see it better and flip through it. Pictures and diagrams of the creatures with information on weak points, hide thickness in each area of the body as well as claw dimensions and how there vision works.

"A summery on the creatures..there weak point is there thigh fat and under belly." Rylee mutter.

"Didn't you say before..there human.." Elijah ask.

"We're human..and if we don't find a way to get the hell out of this place we're either going to be there food or become one of there science experiments.." Rylee spoke as she walk away from the table.

"So..we have to kill them to leave here." Daniel mutter.

"It's..just so hard to comprehend any of this." Tessa spoke as as cross her arms over her chest.

"But..they were humans." Elijah spoke as he look around at the other three as the were all spread out.

"We can't see them like that..or we willl die."

"Rylee is right." Daniel spoke as he look at everyone before speaking again.

"So..let's make a plan."

DANCING WITH DEVILSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora