
"This is.... This is messed up," Astrid muttered as she and Hiccup were left alone in the command center watching the CCTV footage. Astrid almost wanted to look away as she saw her colleagues being gunned down.

"They came in and out in less than ten minutes." Hiccup mumbled emotionlessly. "We still don't know what they took because the evidence room is in shambles. At least ten assailants and the plates of the vans parked near the station were fake."

"Hiccup!" Astrid exclaimed. "How... How can you talk like this didn't affect you?!" She was shocked by how her partner could be so emotionless through this all. They had just lost good men and women.

"For fuck's sake Astrid it does affect me!" Hiccup shot back angrily while slamming his fist down on the console causing Astrid to flinch. "I just don't show it because it won't help me catch the SOB that did this!"

"I... I...." Astrid tried to apologize but Hiccup stood up and exited the vehicle. "I need some fresh air," he said.

Once outside Hiccup leaned against the trailer, banging his head twice in frustration against the vehicle, before lighting up a cigarette.

"I thought you quit," A voice said and Hiccup looked to the left to see Snotlout approaching.

"Well I can't drink on the job so there's this," Hiccup mumbled. "You heard anything from the twins?"

"Both Ruff and Tuff are out for blood," Snotlout mumbled. "One of their techs died,"

"Shit," Hiccup uttered as he put out his cigarette with his shoe. The twins were an..... Unknown variable and Hiccup was not about to gamble where they were concerned.

"Hiccup," Astrid called as she opened the door. "You're going to want to see this." Hiccup nodded and then went back inside, though Snotlout followed behind him this time.

"I'm sorry," Both said at the same time, then stopped and blushed.

"I'm sorry for what I said," Astrid got out hurriedly.

"And I'm sorry I snapped," Hiccup said afterwards.

"As touching as this is...." Snotlout muttered while making a gagging motion.

"Right.... Take a look at this," Astrid pointed to a monitor. She rewound the footage and then played it again. "See! Right there!"

"They go straight for this evidence box after shooting the guard," Astrid pointed out. "Just this specific box,"

"And you can see the case number on that box," Hiccup noted though the picture was grainy. "Did you run it?"

"Yup, case 43UCT," Astrid said while pulling up the file on another monitor. Both Hiccup and Snotlout leaned in closer to read.

"John Doe, found in a one-bedroom apartment near Redmond Square." Hiccup read and then asked, "Can you pull up the crime scene photos?"

Astrid did so and Hiccup's eyes widened as he spotted something. "There!" He said and pointed to the coffee table in disarray. "That little baggie. It has a symbol."

Astrid zoomed in as much as she could on the digital photo and once Hiccup got a closer look he cursed aloud.

"You recognize it?" Astrid asked her partner who looked as if he'd seen a ghost. So many emotions passed through his eyes. When Hiccup had composed himself he ordered Snotlout to lock the door.

The Berk PD Case Files: Death ComethWhere stories live. Discover now