06: The Party Is..

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The dream team pull up on the other side of the street of dad's old estate. We all get the supplies and head to the house.
"This is it! We're gonna make bank tonight!" Caleb says as he opens the door.

"Please, let yourselves in. Ever heard of knocking? What if I was naked?"

"Shut up. This isn't even your pad yet anyways. You knew we were coming!"

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed, lil bro!"He brings him into a noogie and messes up his hair pretty bad.

"Whatever." Caleb includes while trying to fix his hair.

"This place looks so cool!" I say while looking around at all the decorations.

"Yeah, don't touch anything. You guys can head out to the pool, your booth is set up outside already." James says.

"I'll be in here setting up still if you need me. Hopefully you won't."

"Thanks I guess, bro."
We all head out to our booth and start setting up. 

"So the sign should go here, and the QR sign here, maybe we can borrow some decorations for the booth? To fit the theme!" Sophia says.

"Yeah, I'm gonna work on organizing the merch." Caleb states while already doing so.

"I'll look for some decorations!" I interject.

"Oh, of course you will!" Sophia teases. I roll my eyes and head back into the house.

"James? Hello?"

He couldn't have gone far.

"Jamesss?"Emma stumbles into James' bedroom, looking for him. She looks around and sees some old photos, that hasn't been living there or really touched it since his dad passed.

"What so now you're snooping through my room?"

"I was looking for you. What's with this new found hatred towards me? I don't think what happened earlier deserves all of this."

"Get out of my room."

"James! Seriously, I was impaired! I couldn't see where I was going, and thought I was in the girls bathroom. Really, you can't be mad about something that wasn't even on purpose."

"I guess it wouldn't really make sense for you to purposely take your pants off in front of everyone."

"Exactly. It's actually pretty gross that you'd blame me for that anyways, I should be the one mad at YOU." James chuckles.

'Oh yeah? I'd like to see you mad at me."

"What, why?"

"Something tells me you're super cute when you're mad." James sits down on the edge of his bed and looks perplexed.

"I just.. Emma, I feel protective over you. I don't really know how to act around you, and I haven't felt that way about a girl before."

"Oh? It's not like I mind it. I love that you're that way with me." i sit next to him on the bed. 

"You're special, Ems."

Oh. My. God!James then leans closer and closer. My mind races at 1000 beats per second. I don't know how all of that happened so quickly, and now he's leaning in to.. kiss me?

Our first kiss. Fireworks and explosions go off and it lasts a lifetime.

"Was that special, too?" James says, when we break away.

"Very." We kiss again. 

"So.. why were you looking for me exactly?"

"I.. Oh! I just was gonna ask if you had any extra decorations?"

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