Translation/ Author's Note

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Cliffhangerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!! And super long book for you guys - wowza.

Anyway... Google's Translations:

Asgardian (Norwegian):

respekt på gata - Street cred

ha nåde - have mercy

merkelig - weird

Ha det. Vi kommer til å savne dere, drittsekker. - Goodbye. We'll miss you, assholes.

Fantastisk - fantastic

Fremragende - outstanding

Utrolig - incredible

Forbausende - astonishing

Jævla helvete - f*cking hell

Sokovian (Russian):

Ty skazal im, chto ya dumal? - did you tell them what I was thinking?

Net, ty khochesh'? - No, do you want to?

If I've missed any, please ask me to add them. And thanks again for reading, you guys are the best!

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