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The moment Stephen said he had a plan for getting what she wanted, Wanda felt her mind go blank. Speechless wasn't quite the word.

These three had travelled the literal multiverse, sought out a dangerous individual (herself) whilst knowing they may not return, risked their lives just to help her. Just to talk to her. They were either crazy or amazing. No, both. Crazily amazing. Amazingly crazy.

That's when she suddenly had a wave of clarity she hadn't felt in a while. If there was another way, like Stephen was talking through now, wasn't that worth a try?

The Darkhold had given her a way, it had given her the power to take what she wanted, and, like an idiot, she realised, she'd gone along with it blindly, without considering her options. She'd just been so desperate for Vis and the kids back that she would do anything, anything for them. But that had led to months of isolation, and she'd become a murderer. A mindless killer.

The moment she'd seen Billy and Tommy with their mother down in Westview, it had jolted her back to reality, and the guilt of what she'd just done came crashing down around her. At that point, she knew she couldn't possibly go through with this. She'd destroy a family for her own gain. The Darkhold had convinced her it was the only way, and she thought that was it.

Overcome with emotion and indecision, she'd just let her tears take over. She'd honestly had enough by that point. Of everything. Of life. Because living like this wasn't worth it.

And now here they'd come, and all that had been turned around. Wanda didn't even fully listen to Stephen's explanation, but that didn't matter, she could just talk telepathically with Loki later. But if this worked, whatever it was, then what use would she have for the Darkhold anymore? It had made her a psycho, a killer, and that was not who she was.

The only problem was the prophecy...

"Wanda?" Stephen said, and Wanda's attention snapped back to him. "Are you OK with that?"

I wasn't even listening, she thought, and Loki faintly smirked at her. I know, Strange can really be a bore, can't he? Loki replied back, and Wanda faintly smirked back. "Yes, thank you, Stephen. Honestly, it's really, really appreciated. You don't even know how much. And... I'm sorry."

She just felt as though she hadn't apologised enough yet.

"No, I'm sorry for not seeing the signs," Stephen said, shaking his head. "I should've done."

"You don't need to be sorry," Wanda said. "It's me who's at fault here. I'm sorry... again."

Stephen opened his mouth to speak again, but Loki interrupted. "OK, OK, I think I speak for both me and Scott here when I say, we're fed up of you two constantly apologising for every single thing. So, I'm imposing a ban on that word. Neither of you are allowed to say sorry from now on. Neither of you have anything to be sorry for."

"I agree," Scott said, crossing his arms. "Honestly you two, you're both way too nice. You don't need to apologise so much."

Stephen frowned. "Right. Sor-"

"Don't say it!" Scott and Loki immediately shouted, and Wanda smiled.

Actually smiled. Her facial muscles seemed to have forgotten how, but she did it.

Yeah... about that prophecy.

Well, that prophecy could be figured out later.

The Multiversal Road-Trip: Book FiveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang