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Wanda eventually managed to calm down, to the point where she was left with tear tracks and red eyes (red as in from crying, not the evil-glow-y sort of red). Stephen was just wondering how to ask her when she solved that problem and started talking before he could mess it up.

"I heard them," she said, her voice a little shakier than usual, but more or less OK. "My kids."

"What did they say?" Scott asked, softly.

Wanda gulped, her tears threatening to resurface, but they didn't. "They, well, they... they said they forgave me for what I did. But they didn't want me or anyone else to die trying to recover them, because they're happy." She smiled at some sort of memory. "They said it was a "wicked hideout" down there. And they have their powers and each other. And they said..." she hesitated, wiping away a tear before it fell, "they said they loved me."

The last part was barely audible, but the smile said everything. Finally, Wanda was letting herself be at peace, knowing her family was OK, and that she had done what she could to get them back. She'd said, way back when they'd found her in Westview, she'd happily just see or hear them again, even if she couldn't have them back permanently, if it meant she'd be free of the Darkhold.

And the smile was infectious. All of them were guilty of copying the soft smile that overtook her face – even Loki, who never smiled. Or at least a genuine smile. And that headache seemed to have vanished too.

Maybe it was that linked minds thing.

"Well, that's good then, isn't it?" Scott said, grinning. "Does this mean you're going to stop procrastinating and finally join the real world?"

Wanda let out a small laugh. "You mean if I can survive my inevitable meeting with all those governmental people who probably hate my guts?"

"There is that," Scott nodded. "Anyway... I feel like we're all ignoring the one who saved your life, Wanda, and they need credit."

Wanda furrowed her eyebrows. "Who saved my life?"

"The cloak did," Scott told her, and at its mention, the cloak floated over and joined them in their little circle on the floor.

Wanda, understandably, looked amazed. People always seemed to be pretty amazed when a magical cloak saved their lives. "Well, thank you Mr/Mrs Cloak." She held out her hand, and they shook.

So miracles do happen.

"How are you feeling?" Scott asked after a moment.

"Surprisingly... better," Wanda decided on after a moment of speculation. "It's weird, but I think, once all this is over with, I'll be able to put this behind me."

"You think you're well enough to travel back to Midgard?" Loki asked, to which she nodded.

"I am. I don't think Stephen is though."

Stephen scowled as everyone laughed, but it was a fake scowl. Humour was always a good sign. "Haha. It may be true, but that doesn't mean I have to like it."

"Well, Strange, unfortunately your objection has been overruled, and we're going anyway," Loki said, standing up and dusting off his trousers casually. "Although, unless you want to spend a few years travelling, we're going to have to go through a couple of jump points to get back."

"Fine by me," Stephen sighed, as they got up too. "After all, we've been through a hundred, what's another one?"

"That's the spirit, Strange," Loki grinned, and Stephen had to laugh. Just the weirdness of the situation had that effect on him. It was taking its toll now – he needed to go home.

The Multiversal Road-Trip: Book FiveWhere stories live. Discover now