15 4 6

The journey back was quiet, but the atmosphere wasn't as tense this time. Stephen chose not to join in Wanda and Scott's quiet conversation, and let them chat amongst themselves. Safe to say, this journey was a lot more pleasant than the last one – though mostly because he got to have his co-pilot chair back after minimal begging. Scott had been visibly jealous.

"We'll be back in about five minutes," Loki said, breaking the silence after about half an hour. "So how are we getting back to Midgard? Teleportation or Strange making magic sparkly portals?"

Stephen didn't think he noticed the glare.

"Can't you fly directly into Earth?" Scott asked, obviously disappointed about having to leave space so soon. (Soon? How long had they been there? Half a day maybe?) "If you need a place to park, you can use my backyard."

Loki raised an eyebrow. "You think this ship will fit on your backyard, then you're pretty deluded. And I can't fly into Midgard, do you realise how much crap is floating around your planet? I'm surprised Thanos could even get through."

"Oh," Scott said. Then he sighed. "Well, in that case, I vote portal. My head has been tortured enough today."

"I second that," Wanda said, holding up her hand.

"I third that," Stephen said, also holding up his hand.

Loki shrugged. "Alright then." Then he jerked the steering handles over and the ship lurched, doing a sudden series of barrel rolls, and then steadying out again.

Stephen relaxed the grip he hadn't realised he'd had on the sides of the chair he was sitting on. Slowly, he turned his head to face Loki. "What the hell was that?" he demanded.

"Well, I'm sorry, I forgot how mind-numbingly boring it was flying in a straight line for ages without being chased by space jerks, and I had to do something to relieve my boredom," Loki said. "You aren't dying are you?"

"No, but a warning might have been nice," Stephen sighed, already giving up. It was Loki. Loki didn't do warnings.

They returned the ship to the storage bunker with no problems, unless you counted Loki having to physically drag Scott by the wrist out of the ship because he loved it too much to want to leave. He had to bargain a ride in the future with Scott as co-pilot to get him to leave in the end.

When Loki locked the door to T15, Stephen readied himself to make a portal, asking where to. But both Wanda and Loki winced in unison and put a hand to their heads, exchanging a glance. "What's up?" Stephen asked, as his mood dropped suddenly. He didn't like this. Why couldn't something just go smoothly for once?

Wanda looked on the verge of tears again, and with a very strained voice, she replied, "Just get back to my house, please. I... need some time alone for a second..."

Stephen didn't hesitate, and the second the portal was wide enough to get through, Wanda ran through, opening the front door and shutting it behind her before they'd even thought about stepping through. What was up with her?

"Is she OK?" Scott asked, the moment Stephen closed the portal behind them, eyes flitting between Stephen and Loki, as though he felt like he was missing something.

"No," Loki replied, shaking his head. He was clearly trying to cover up some strain in his voice too.

Scott waited five seconds for elaboration, then prompted, "Well, what's up?"

"I'll explain in a minute, just let me get myself back together for a second," Loki said, dropping down onto the chair on the front porch. Scott and Stephen exchanged a glance and then sat on the bench next to him.

The Multiversal Road-Trip: Book FiveWhere stories live. Discover now