The two of us watch Ms Hao rush across the hall as she mutters into her phone, looking more stressed than we'd ever seen her. 

Binna and I share a look and immediately get into the lifts to head to the auditorium. 

"Just texted the group. JinJin's already there," She mutters. 

I bite my lip in slight frustration. Of course she is. That girl has the inside scoop on everything Firefly related. I won't be surprised if she knows why we're gathering there this morning. 

When we reach the auditorium most of the trainees are already there on stage. A coordinator rushes about, arranging the girls into a straight line and tries to make our height's balanced by giving us heels. 

Binna and I are on the taller side, being five foot seven but some of the girls like Rachel have to wear four inch platforms to mirror our height. JinJin is five six and she stands confidently at the centre of the stage, daring anyone to take her place. 

We make our way to the side as the coordinator separates us and I catch JinJin staring at me, her eyes sharp and borderline annoyed. Her eyebrows pinch together when the coordinator places me right next to her in the middle. 

I stare ahead, pretending not to notice the way she is glaring at me and thankfully the lights in the auditorium switch on and we are bathed in glaring white-yellow stage light. 

I expect to see Mr Yang or one of the executives walk in but my breath catches in my throat when all seven members of Viva walk down the aisle and take a seat in the second row. Subtle gasps erupt from the girls as the boys stare up at us. 

My eyes immediately flit to Jiho who sits front and centre. He isn't wearing a mask today and I can see his signature birth mark beneath his eye, his high cheekbones and the way his bow shaped lips form a small smile. 

His eyes narrow and I realise he is also looking at me. Heat rushes up my cheeks and my face burns like the lights above have lit me on fire. 

"Good morning everyone!" Mr Yang announces as he marches into the hall and walks down past the rows of seats with the grace of a swan. 

People generally call him the peacock because he is the epitome of flashy but today his black three piece is more business like than the usual gaudy pantsuits he usually wears. 

He stops at the front row and the eight other execs flank him on both sides like his bodyguards. Mr Yang looks up at us and I try not to cower under his cold and calculative stare. 

It is a stare that has made or broken careers. 

He then claps his hands together and I could have sworn someone next to me flinched. 

"Girls. Girls. Girls. So many exciting things to announce. So much to come." 

There is pin drop silence in the auditorium as we hang on to his words like life support. He doesn't even need a mike for our undying attention. 

I almost lean forward as he continues. 

"First off, stock prices have increased ten percent this past week thanks to all the publicity we have gotten due to recent events," He glances at me furtively and walks along the stage. "I'm sure you girls have heard that we are launching a new girl group in approximately three to four months." 

All of us straighten up, each one vying for his attention in that very moment. I could smell the desperation wafting in the air. 

"Since the public's interest has been piqued we have decided to host a live event with none other than Viva here." Mr Yang gestures at the boy group in the second row and I try not to look at Jiho even though I can feel his penetrating gaze on me. 

"I've decided on three duets, one with Jiho, one with Q and the last with Chan. One group dance and one song to be performed with the girls alone. This is your moment to shine girls and the public will have the opportunity to vote for their favourites."

His smile disappears and his tone turns lethal as he continues. "This will be your biggest test yet and the deciding factor on who gets to debut in the coming months. Since there are fifteen of you, an evaluation will be held here next week and we will decide who gets to perform what. Those who do not get chosen, consider yourselves eliminated." 

My heart shrivels up in fear at those horrible words and I force myself to remain calm.

"Make no mistake. No special treatment will be given to those with more media attention than the others."

I can't help but feel more eyes on me when he says this. 

He walks right to the front and looks me dead in the eye - or maybe he's looking at all of us through those tinted glasses of his but I'm just paranoid - and then he crosses his fingers and smiles like a Cheshire Cat. 

"May the best trainees take the stage. See you all at evaluation next week." 

Ahh stakes are high. Hope you guys are enjoying the story so far. And more to come on the note later :) :)

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