Season 2 Chapter 12: "A New Journey"

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I walked over to the magic circle "Where's Sensei?"

Shea: "Aiko is taking a break now.."

Y/N: "I see.."

Yue: "It's okay Big Brother. Kaori will be fine, please go to Aiko.."

Y/N: "Alright.."

I turn and walk away towards my teacher

I looked over and saw Aiko, looking down at a sword 

Aiko: "I'm sorry.." She then turned towards me as I approached her "L/N.." She flashes a smile at me

Y/N: "You don't have to smile. I know you care about your students more than anything, and I killed one of them with my own hands. I'm sure something is weighing on your mind."

Aiko: "To be honest, it's not something I can easily get over. What Hiyama did can't be forgiven, but I wanted him to live to atone for his sins, if possible. But I also understood the anger you felt. Besides, I have no right to criticize you, L/N..."

Y/N: "You only helped, don't blame yourself as if you did it all on your own."

Aiko: "That doesn't matter! I helped Tio with the full knowledge it could kill them!"

Y/N: "Do you regret it?"

Aiko looked down "..No, I knew what I was doing with Tio. I couldn't let the church continue doing what it was doing.." She looks up at me "..I wanted to help you. I had to stop them from doing horrible things to my students. So.. I.. I don't have any regrets.."

Y/N: "So.. will continue to be our teacher?"

Aiko: "Huh?"

Y/N: "If you'll continue to be our teacher, can I make a request?"

Aiko: "A Request?"

I sigh "I want you to keep feeling guilty. I want you to carry that weight. When you can fight properly, carry the weight properly, worry properly, and complain properly, that's very human, blindingly, so. Those are some of the emotions I can no longer feel, so you can be my example of what it means to be human. I'll make sure to keep my eyes on you. That way, when we make it back to Japan, I can live a proper life."

Aiko: "L/N.." Tears began to fall from her eyes

Y/N: "At any case, if you ever feel like breaking down.." I turn around "..My back is always open to you.."

Aiko: "You.. you're such a.." She smiled "..Alright then, i'll take you up on that.."

Y/N: "Then go ahead.." I raise my arms

I then felt Aiko wrap her arms around me, placing her face against my back

---(The Next Day)---

...I Land in the center of the Stadium where most of the Survivors of Last Night's attack were on

Beside me were Hajime, Yue, Shea, Tio, and Aiko. I adjust my glasses and look around

Shizuku: "Y/N!" She ran towards us and I look at her, waving

Y/N: "Yo! Shizu!"

Shizuku looks at our party

Shizuku: "Y/N, where's Kaori? Why isn't Kaori here?"

Y/N: "Oh yeah! She'll be here in a second... But.. She'll look a bit different.. well by a bit I mean, very different." I look at her "..But of course, we did everything we can to revive her, so... make sure to not get mad at us or blame us if you hate her appearance and if you do then.. I guess try and Deal with it.."

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