Chapter 3: "Finally Out"

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Hajime then woke up slowly as he found himself in bed

Hajime: "This is supposed to be a Labyrinth... why is there a bed here?" Hajime then felt he was touching something and squeezed it and then he heard a moan, then his eyes widened and took the blanket off him, revealing Yue without clothes

Yue: "Hajime.." Yue Muttered in her sleep

Hajime: "Yue! Wake up! Where's Y/N?!" Hajime asked while shaking her

"GET THE HELL UP ALREADY, YOU SEXY BLOOD-SUCKING SPACE CADET!" Hajime shouted and proceeded to Electrocute her

Yue then screamed awake

Yue: "Hajime?"

Hajime: "Yeah, its me wheres Y/N By the wa--" He was cut off by Yue hugging him

Yue: "Hajime!"

Hajime: "Sorry, looks like I worried you to death, huh?"

"By the way.. what is this place?"

Yue: "The Maverick's lair.."

Hajime: "Is it Really? So What happened after I passed out?"

Yue: "After Big Brother defeated the Dragon he passed out and I carried you here and carried Big Brother to another room and made sure he was comfy and it looked like the Holy Water was working and I used up my powers to its limits."

Hajime: "Thanks for the help, I owe you one, but where is Y/N? You said he passed out.."

Yue: "Big Brother is still asleep, he's in one of the rooms in the mansion.."

Hajime: "I see but why am I naked?"

Yue: "You were dirty so I cleaned you up." Yue said, licking her lips

Hajime: "Why did you lick your--? Nevermind, put on some clothes and hurry or else Y/N might see--"

The covers were suddenly heard opening and Both Yue and Hajime saw Y/N rubbing his eyes before looking at them

Yue: "Wow...! Your eyes are so beautiful Big Brother!" Yue said

Y/N: "Thank you---" His voice died down, seeing the current Position both her and Hajime are on

Hajime: "O-Okay Y/N, it isn't what it looks like--"

Y/N: "Don't be noisy! and make sure to tell me what it feels like Alright?" Y/N said and walked away

Hajime: "No wait no!"


Hajime and Yue walked in front of the House and saw Y/N with new clothes, he wore a completely black shirt and tan pants and glasses

Hajime and Yue walked in front of the House and saw Y/N with new clothes, he wore a completely black shirt and tan pants and glasses

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