Chapter 6: "Reunion"

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???: "I'm IIwer Chang, head of the Fuhren Adventurer's Guild

Y/N: "Uh-huh.." I was standing behind the couch where the 3 were sitting across IIwer

IIwer: "Y/N-kun, Hajime-kun, Yue-kun, Shea-kun, I've been looking for you, There are rumors going around the town of brooke, rumors of a group of four talented people who easily made their way through Reisen Gorge."

Y/N: "Sorry, I think you've got the wrong group."

Hajime: "Yeah."

IIwer: "I believe your skills would make you well-suited for a request I'd like for you to undertake."

Y/N: "Oh is this one of those events in games where you need to collect random stuff to complete a quest?"

Hajime: "We're not doing it." He and the other 2 Girls stood and turned to leave

IIwer: "Mind if I tell you what it is? Then I won't have to deal with paperwork."

Hajime: "Can't say I expected less from the head of an Adventurer's guild." He turns to IIwer "..You've got a good personality."


Y/N: "You want us to find a missing person?"

IIwer: "That's right, a Party of adventurer's headed to the northern mountains on a survey. Among them is the third son of Count Cudeta, Will Cudeta." He turns "..I want you to rescue him."

Y/N: "A count huh? so it must've been a really large party, right?"

IIwer: "They're quite skilled, yes, meaning if there was something they couldn't handle... then lots of people will get hurt, we don't know how powerful the enemy is after all. This is where your notorius group comes in, The Count's a friend of mine."

Hajime: "A friend huh?"

IIwer: "Could you take on this request?"

Y/N: "Hmm, Not a chance we have our own goals too y'know." I turn and began to walk away

IIwer: "... I'll make sure you are rewarded."

Hajime: "Sorry, we're in a hurry."

IIwer: "Well then. How about if I agree to fully back you... if you ever get in trouble with the guild?"

Y/N: "Well... if you're going THAT far then, we'll consider."

Hajime: "Yeah.. but, we have 2 conditions."

IIwer: "And they are..?"

Hajime: "First I want you to make us status plates."

IIwer: "And the second?"

Y/N: "If we ever have need of you, you'll do everything we say."

IIwer: "Very well. It is a deal then."

Y/N: "Nice..!"



Later Aiko and her students are seen doing farm work with the Villagers

Aiko: "Good job everyone! Fill your bellies and get ready to work hard again tomorrow!"

Students: "Hai~!"

"Lets dig in!"

Yuuka: "Ai-chan-sensei? You thinking about shimizu again?"

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