Prologue 2: "World of Tortus"

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I woke up, looking around as I heard people chatting amongst themselves asking questions such as, "What happened?", "What's going on?", "Did something happen?"


Y/N: "Wow, the self-rightous brat-I mean guy is playing hero?"

???: "O, Chosen heroes, welcome to Tortus." I looked to the side, seeing a creepy old guy, who I may describe as one of those people who parents tell their kids to stay away from

" I looked to the side, seeing a creepy old guy, who I may describe as one of those people who parents tell their kids to stay away from

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Ishtar: "I have been waiting for your arrival, I am the Pope of the Church of Saints, Ishtar Lombard." I squint my eyes at him "..I preparations are done, please follow me."

I then looked around as the students slowly followed him, as I saw this I walked over to Hajime who was nervous

Y/N: "You alright?" I asked

Hajime: "H-huh? Oh yeah, of course I'm fine..!" Hajime said nervously

Y/N: "Alright but...weird day huh? Getting isekai'd, never thought a classic anime cliche would happen, Am I right?" I asked with a Childish tone

Hajime then chuckled "Y-yeah, never thought.."

Y/N: "...Alright, lets go!" I ran ahead

Hajime: "Yeah sure!" Hajime said before running after me
——————————(Timeskip brought to you buy chibi Y/N accidentally breaking some vases in the castle)——————


Y/N and his clasmates all sat in a table

Ishtar: "Please be seated, and enjoy our drinks we've provided."

Maids then walked over to each of the students and placed their drinks on the table

The Maid assigned to Y/N looked at him and winked, this caused Y/N to blush a bit

Y/N: "T-thank you."

The Maid then smiled and winked again before saying "See you around, Cutie." Into his ear, this causes Y/N to blush a bit

But unbeknownst to him Shizuku saw the interaction and growled a but while clenching her fists

Kouki: "Anything wrong Shizuku?" Kouki asked her

Shizuku: "Huh? Oh, sorry it was nothing.." Shizuku replied

Kouki: "Okay.."

Ishtar: "This world is similiar to yours—Tortus, it is the one and only God we worship, Ehit-sama, who summoned you to this world. Compared to ours your world is far superior—"

Ryoutarou: "Damn, reality shows these days are trying to hard.." Ryotarou muttered

Ishtar: "—You have powers that far surpass humans of this world—"

Y/N: "What powers? As far as we know...Earth is so BORING."

Ishtar: "——Well, thats according to our oracle who Ehit-sama conveyed his message to. But lately strange things have been happening currently, and humans face dangers which may lead us to ruin, since well we have been at war with the demons who rule the southern part of this world. To save us from such horrible fate, Ehit-sama brought you to this world!"

Y/N: "Seriously? If anything as 'heroes' we'll be he ones to suffer the horrible fate.."


Y/N: "If this was a reality show then I gotta give it to them for such props." I mentally clap


???: "Fight on Ai-chan...!" A girl said, known as Nakamura Eri

???: "Yeah, screw this shitty prank program...!" A girl said, known also as Taniguchi Ryou

Ishtar: "Hmm..this is problematic, join me outside will you?"

Ishtar then stood up and the others soon followed

Kouki: "Ishtar-san, can I ask you something?"

Ishtar: "Yes, of course."

Kouki: "You said the humans are at war with the demons..Are there any race besides the two of them living in this world."

Ishtar: "Ohoho, unlike the rest you believe in my words?"

Kouki: "To be honest, I don't. Mostly, yet, after assessing the situation, I think I have no other choice but to believe you."

Ishtar: "Before you are the gates

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Ishtar: "Before you are the gates. If you still question which world you are in at this moment, you can confirm it with your eyes now."

The Gates gently opened as sunlight started to pour into the room.. soon the gates opened completely and revealed to the Class that they were in....THE MOUNTAINS

Aiko: "W-we're in the mountains?" Aiko said, shocked

Aiko then dropped to the floor, with tears in her eyes "D-don't tell me this whole thing is real

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Aiko then dropped to the floor, with tears in her eyes "D-don't tell me this whole thing is real..."

Ishtar: "Do you believe me now?"

Y/N then raised his hand and asked "Um, excuse me? Do you think its possible for us to return to our world? I mean if you can summon us you can bring us back right?"

Ishtar: "..I'm afraid not..because..thats all up to Ehit-sama to decide."


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