Chapter 5: "Another Labyrinth"

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Hajime: " 'The entrance to the Labyrinth is somewhere in Reisen Gorge', well that specific."

Shea: "Y-Yeah, huh."

Y/N: "What's up? You feeling alright?"

Shea: "W-Well, I just need to go powder my nose."

Hajime: "Well you won't find any powder in this Gorge."

Shea: "Sheesh..!" Shea turned around and did some sort of dance

Hajime: "Well, it is on the way of to the Gryuen, so might as well hit it if we find it."

Yue nods

Shea: "Y/N-san, Hajime-san, Yue-san! Come here I found something!"

I then stood up and walked over with Hajime and Yue following me

Shea and ran at some sort of Pink sign "Look! Right here!"

A random voice then spoke "Hi there! Welcome to Miledi Reisen's Super duper exciting Labyrinth!"

Hajime: "W-Where is that voice coming from?"

Shea: "Who cares! We finally found the entrance to the Labyrinth!"

Hajime: "Think it's real Yue, Y/N?"

Y/N/Yue: "Yeah/Mm-hmm."

Hajime: "Your reasoning?"

Yue: "I saw it in Oscar's notes."

Shea: "Okay, how do we get in?" Shea said, while tapping on the rock

I turned to her "Come on, It wouldn't..." I was cut off by the rock opening and Shea falling into it, the rock door then closed and us 3 just stared at it blankly,

Yue/Hajime: "No way."


Me, Yue, and Hajime were further into the Labyrinth, dodging and breaking traps along the way while searching for Shea

Y/N: "Where'd she go?"

Yue turns her head to the right and looked at a small puddle?

Yue: "She wet herself." I looked up, seeing Shea sticking to the wall, whimpering

Shea: "P-Please don't look.." She uses her bunny ears to cover her eyes

We then leaned in on a tombstone with a text "Did that scare, ya? Did I give you a scare?"

Shea then turns to Me and Hajime "It's time to bring out that thing you made for me, Y/N-san, Hajime-san!" Shea said with her palm out

After that, Shea proceeds to jump up and smash the tombstone into pieces with her weapon.... a Hammer

"Aww, Sorry! These stone tablets automatically regenerates after a while!"

Y/N: "I'm betting Miledi Reisen wasn't part of the Liberators at all, she's just a scourge on humanity."

Hajime: "Same."

Yue: "I wholeheartedly agree."


Later on me and the other 3 were walking down a hallway which I'm totally sure no traps will come out--- Oh, Hajime steps on a trigger which closes the hallways and after that we hear something going down the stairs and after a few seconds the mysterious noise reveals to be a boulder which is rolling at us

Y/N: "Are we in Indiana Jones?" 

Yue: "Crimson Javelin!" She chanted but it didn't work "Just as I thought, we can't use projectile magic in here.."

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