Chapter 57: Tyler's Deal

Start from the beginning

Clay Jensen: I feel like it's over already.

Tony Padilla: What's wrong with him? What's going on? This isn't you.

Clay Jensen: No, I... I know.

Tony couldn't believe the state that Clay is in. Tony begins to walk away as he hits the table hard on his way out.

Hannah Baker: I'll be right back.

I stand up and go after Tony. I go outside and I ran up to him in the driveway.

Hannah Baker: Hey, Tony!

Tony stops and turns towards me.

Hannah Baker: You need chill around Clay right now.

Tony Padilla: I'm sorry, alright. But right now, Tyler is in trouble. We need to help him.

Hannah Baker: I know. That's why I'm going with you tonight.

Tony Padilla: What? No! Hannah...

Hannah Baker: I'm coming with you.

Tony Padilla: Hannah, this could be dangerous.

Hannah Baker: I know the stakes, Tony. I was there. Spring Fling. Clay stood in front of me to protect me as Tyler was pointing that gun at Clay's chest. It was the scariest moment in my entire life. We've worked so hard to get Tyler better because of what Monty did. Tyler needs us and I'm gonna be there.

Tony was thinking about it.

Tony Padilla: Fine. But if anything happens, you're staying in the car. Alright?

Hannah Baker: Fine. Pick me up at my place when it's time.

Tony leaves as I make my way back to Clay.

Meanwhile, Justin stayed after school for his interview with the college recruiter. As Justin was being interviewed, all he could think about is the sudden death of his mother.

Justin Foley: Sorry, my... my circumstances?

College Recruiter: Your essay indicated that you've faced down a number of personal challenges. Talk to me about that.

Justin Foley: I was addicted to heroin.

College Recruiter: Mm.

Justin Foley: And... I had sex with men for money.

College Recruiter: (Chuckles Awkwardly) Uh... Your mother has also struggled with addiction?

Justin Foley: She, um... Yeah, she has.

College Recruiter: You have shown such fortitude. That will serve you well in college.

Justin Foley: Or did I just get really lucky? That I got out? (Exhales Heavily) She never did. No one ever gave her a fucking chance. (Chuckles Sadly) Maybe "fortitude..." has fuck-all to do with it, and... (Clicks Tongue) really is all about circumstances.

College Recruiter: I... I'm... I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be insensitive.

Justin shakes his head.

College Recruiter: We are all just so inspired by you.

Charlie goes over by the pier where he finds Alex standing by the rail, just looking at the water.

Alex Standall: How did you find me?

Charlie St. George: Your mom. Don't worry, I told her it was about homework. Not the fact that you like boys, at least sometimes, and you're also breaking my heart.

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